Sunday, 2 November 2014

Jems last job.

Jem sits up in bed as her phone starts to ring. Unknown number. She sighs, knowing who it was going to be “Hello, Ric.” She yawns slightly before sighing “Another job?” She questions, suddenly wide awake now and shaking her head as the phone goes silent. A crack in the middle of the room makes her pull her blankets up round herself “Look, I told you not to do that. What have I asked you about that?” she snaps “What if Creven was here.” A voice laughs “Well he wasn’t, I knew he wasn’t.” the dark haired brown eyed man smiles, sitting on the end of the bed. “I could tell by the sound of your voice.” Ric spoke softly with a small smirk on his face. “Ric, just get on with it.” Jem snapped slightly, impatient and slightly pissed off with her boss right now. Ric laughs at her “Just kill Samara. Its that simple.” Jem raises an eyebrow “Simple? You know who she is, right?” He nods, chuckling “I know who she is. She’s my ex-wife. And its your job to do whatever case I assign you. And I know you are the best I have for this. Only you can match her.” Jem rolls her eyes, secretly smug “Yeah yeah. I guess so. Look, go make a drink and I will be down in a bit so you can run me through the details. And Ric.” She starts, watching as he stands up “Walk, please.” They laugh as he walks from the room. Jem runs her hands through her hair with a slightly grumble. This was it. The big one. Samara wasn't just any ordinary job, not just a simple in-and-out kill. She was the most powerful vampire Jem knew. She slips out of bed and dresses quickly before pulling on her boots and walking down to the kitchen. She stops halfway and grins, listening to Ric singing to himself, the house elves muttering under their breath about the “master wouldn't be happy with another man about when he isn’t.” Jem rolls her eyes and shoos them away “He’s my boss!” she yells after them, shaking her head as mutters of abuse flow back at her “I can hear you!” she calls out. Tutting hit her ears from all angles and she spins round to see a smirking Ric in the doorway, a folder in his hand. Jem rolls her eyes slightly “They think Im cheating…” Ric laughs at her “They wont tell Creven I was here. Its fine. Nothing happening.” Jem blushes slightly “Maybe if I weren’t with him.” She ducks her head and darts into the kitchen, Rics eyes following her, an amused look on his face. Jem glances over at him and shrugs, picking up her cup and taking a sip of the lukewarm golden liquid. She shudders slightly before waving a hand over the top, warming it instantly. Ric watches her with raised eyebrows before sitting down at the table muttering something about a show off to which Jem just grins and takes a seat, turning serious. Her ‘work’ mode was something Creven hadn’t seen, and she didn’t intend him to either. She was different to her normal self. Shuddering again she focuses her attention on Ric, nodding as he explains where Samara was, her bodyguards, to which Jem scoffed, her weaknesses. She tilts her head, confused slightly “But… hers are different to mine. You would have thought…” she stops as Ric hold his hand up to silence her “Its not for now. I will explain that at the end. Right, so 16 bodyguards, all humans as far as I can remember. Eight men, eight women. Simple right?” Jem nods and Ric shakes his head “Not in the slightest.” Jem groans “Never going to be simple.” She watches Ric as he laughs at her, laying a hand on her arm “Nope. Never is with her. Anyway;” He takes his hand off her and continues to explain the situation. Samara had killed Rics family after he had said he wanted a divorce. She had started with his parents, then his brother and sisters, before sending her men out to find and kill anyone else with the same last name. Ric stops, shoving the folder to her “In here is everything bout her. Memorise it then burn it. Understood.” He asks as he stands up. Jem mock salutes him “Yes sir.” And jumps as Ric slams his hands on the tale “Its work, Jem. Im not playing games. This is serious. The bitch has to die and you are the only one I have with the power to do it!” Jem nods slowly “Yes. Sorry boss.” She mutters, returning her eyes to the folder. Ric had only raised his voice at her once before. That was when she has accidentally interfered in SETH work. Back then, of course, she didn’t know what SETH was, and had no idea Creven was working with them. She almost brought down an entire years worth of planning. She doesn’t notice him as he walks out through the back door. She was too engrossed in the folder. This woman was over 3500 years old! “What the,,, no way. That can’t be right.” She mutters, checking the figures again. Nope, it was right. Jem sits back in the chair, glancing round “See ya Ric.” She mutters with a grin as she picks the folder up, drops it in the sink and with a click of her fingers, set it on fire. As she stood watching it burn, she lets out a heavy sigh. Her powers had come on a lot in the past few months Creven had been away. She could almost make herself see a vision now. Conjuring fire was easier if she concentrated enough. She could almost always make it appear above, or sometimes on, whatever object she desired. She hadn’t tested it on people yet though and she wasn’t about to either. She snapped her way back to the present, out of her daydream like state as the flames disappeared. Jem turned on the tap and watched as the remains of the folder slipped down the sink. Wrinkling her nose at the smell, Jem slipped out of the kitchen and into Coran’s old bedroom. She opened his wardrobe and took off the false back, revealing the small weapons closet she had built into it. She grabbed a large bag and started filling it with steaks, bullets, although she knew bullets from a normal gun wouldn’t affect Samara much other than slowing her down. Maybe. No. These normal bullets were for the bodyguards. A few other things made their way into the bag. Little things like a few vials of healing potions of Leas, a few spare daggers. Her usual dagger would be strapped to her thigh. No way she would be leaving the house without it close to her. Standing up, she picks the bag up easily with a grin before darting off to get changed into something she could move in. Skinny jeans, vest top and of course her trusty boots. She grins as she pins her hair up out of her face and slips her hoodie on. Now she would look like a teenager off out camping or something. No one would bother her. An hour later, after she was ready, Jem stood at the top of the stairs and watches the house elves scurrying about for a while with a grin on her face. She patted her thigh, checking for her dagger. She hitched up her bag onto her shoulder and headed down the stairs, ignoring the house elves as they watched her walk out the front door and down the drive. With a glance over her shoulder, she disapparates out of the area and 500 miles away to Northern Scotland. The wind hit her hard, blowing some of her hair from her pins. She pushes it away with her free hand before dropping the bag to her side and heading into the cave that she was stood in front of. She throws the bag to the back of the cave and opens it, pulling out a torch and sets it on the floor. Glancing round the cave as she hears a noise, she jumps up “Hello there Jem.” A familiar voice echoes round the room “No way. Get out of my face. You aren’t real” She whispers as her son steps into the small bit of light. Coran shakes his head “Im only here because you want me to be here. Mom. You have to be careful. She’s powerful. More so than you. Killing her could upset the balance.” He starts to which Jem rolls her eyes “So like your father.” She smiles slightly, reaching her hand out and watching it go through her son “Sorry mother. Im not like grandpa. I cant be solid no matter how much you think of me. Tell dad and Aunt Lea Im sorry and tell the others I miss them.” Jem nods, speechless as Coran disappears from her sight in a gust of wind. Jem stares at the spot he was stood for a few moments before returning to her job at hand. Taking out a belt like object, Jem starts by shoving stakes, a gun and a sword into it, before slipping a few healing vials into her jacket pocket, before slipping her jacket on. She pats her front pocket, making sure her wand was in there. Not that she needed it. She never needed it. She stands at the cave entrance, going over the notes she had memorised. Glancing up at the cliff next to her, she raises an eyebrow “Really? All the way up there. Dammit, Ric.” She mutters and heads to the bottom of the cliff. Dressed in black, she melted into the rocks, careful not to slip. She makes her way to the makeshift steps carved into the cliffs and runs up them, stopping at the top and peering round the corner. She takes out her gun and loads is slowly before taking aim at a man walking past, waiting until his back is turned before firing a single shot. He falls to the floor, the sound of the sea crashing into the rocks covering the sound. She picks his body up and throws him over the cliff, watching as he lands in the freezing cold water. She pulls out her dagger and slips behind the two women, slashing their throats and dumping their bodies over the cliff too. She smirks slightly as she saunters into the building and kicks the door open “Right, so...” she starts as she walks in “Samara. Where is she?” Three men run towards her and she holds her hands out “Oh don’t even bother. I can have you like that.” She snaps her fingers, staring at each of them in turn and watching them set on fire, a smirk on her face. A tall woman with long silvery hair and bright red eyes pushes her way through the gathering crows “Well, it seems you know who I am, daughter of mine.” She lets a flicker of a smile hit her lips. Jem snarls slightly “Im no daughter of yours…” she starts. Samara laughs slightly as she waves the crowds away and they disappear through the multiple doors. Jem follows some of them with her eyes, one eyebrow raised slightly before turning her attention back to Samara “No, dear, I meant, Im a vampire, you are a vampire.” She starts walking round Jem, touching her hair before she continues “You are just a vampire. I, on the other hand, and the Queen.” She purrs in her ear. Jem snaps her head round and slaps the womans hand away from her “Don’t touch me!” she takes a step away from her, too slowly. Samaras hands were round Jem’s neck before she had time to take two steps “Don’t slap me again and I won’t.” Jem grabs her wrists with one hand, her eyes wide and watching Samaras face which had an evil grin on it. Jem’s free hand slides behind her and wraps round one of the stakes. Jem shakes her head as much as she can “I don’t like the way you play. I have been sent to do a job. And I have to finish it. This” Jem pulls the stake out from behind her “This is for Ric.” She whispers, bringing her hand back and sticking the stake deep into the womans chest with all her strength. Samara drops her hands from Jem’s neck and glances down at the wooden implement, blood pouring out of her mouth as well as the wound “Why? What did I…” she stops and laughs, before it turns into a cough, falling to the floor “Oh that’s right. I killed his entire bloodline.” She sneers “Tell him I will see him in hell.” Her head tips back and she lets out a scream. The doors fly open as everyone runs back in to see what was going on. They look from Samaras sizzling body to Jem, stood leaning against the wall with a smirk “What?” she shrugs, returning her gaze to Samara who suddenly burst into flames and turned into a pile of dust. Jem rubs her hands together “Well my work here is…” she stops midsentence and stares at the spot Samara disappeared from “What the…” she mutters, watching an orb of light floating around the room. She noted that everyone else was watching the same thing. The light speeds up, hovers over Jem’s head and shoves itself into her chest. Jem gasps and falls to the floor, gasping for breath. Samaras bodyguards stand there, watching her but not moving. They stare in silence as she gasps for breath for a few moments before she sits up and looks at them all “What?” she snaps as she stands up slowly, looking round them all before catching her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was silver, her eyes bright red. She runs her hand over her hair slowly “What the hell has happened to me!” One of the body guards steps forward, and kneels in front of her “I am, or was, Samaras head guard. My name is Mariana. What has just happened to you is hard to explain so I will give you the basic version for now. You killed the Queen Vampire. Her powers and abilities, the light that entered you, went to you because you killed her. And for that we thank you.” She states before standing back up and continuing “Ma’am, this means you are the Queen now.” she bows slightly and melts back into the crowd. Jem widens her eyes “Im going to be like this!” she yells, pointing to her hair “No!! No! Just no! I cant deal with this right now!” she paces the room “Everyone out! Leave me alone! Im going home!” she screams as she paces the room. She pulls her phone out and dials Rics number “Ric.” She gushes as soon as he answers the phone “We need to talk.” She hisses before nodding “Yes its done. But…” She stops interrupted by Ric and sighing “Sure sure. Im coming home.” She hangs up and stares round the now empty room, before disaparating home, confused.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Just a look at Creven

I know this is Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder)
this gif is just a look at how Creven acts. His character is based on Damon - more from the books than the TV series)


Friday, 3 October 2014

Jems bad dreams

  <SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon slips out of the once again empty bed and over to the window. Pushing it open, Jem leans against the rails, her head in her hands and deep in thought. This was getting out of control. Way out of control. She missed her kids, she missed Kel, but most of all she missed Coran and lately all she had been doing was dreaming of him. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she watched then drop the three storeys and hears them splash on the ground as she thought of tonights dream. She kept reliving the day he died. For weeks now it was all she had been able to dream of. From all angles, Corans persepective; even the men that killed him as she heard her first born beg for them no to. She heard them tell him his parents didnt want anything to do with him, which was a lie of course. Jem loved him. He was her first born and she would have done anything to save him, had she been there herself. In her dreams, she screamed warnings to him that they were coming but he couldnt hear her. She tried to pull him away and her hand went through him as if he were a ghost. But it was her who was a ghost, an intruder. Jem buries her face in her hands, sinking to the floor, her body shaking as she leant against the rails, crying silently, still mourning the loss of her son, the son who saved Crevens life when he almost died, the son who was compelled to kill Corbin because she didnt take the time to train him how to fight against it. Out loud she blamed everyone else, but inside she beat herself up everyday, knowing it was her fault he was weak, he was dead. Shaking her head, she wipes her eyes, staring at the empty bed. She had stayed here for almost a month now, No one knew where Creven, Lea, Queran, Seth and Kana had disappeared to. The wedding plans of Kana and Marriah were on hold for a while and Marriah had gone back to Olympus for a while. Jem had caught her thoughts a few days before she had left as she was writing up a guest list. She wanted her best friend there, her brother, yet there was nothing anyone could do to get him there. The Gods refused, Marriah didnt have the magic to bring a ghost back, even for a day. Jem had seen the guest list and sobbed at how much her daughter was missing Coran. His name has been placed at the head table, inbetween Jem and Marriah for the meal. For the wedding itself, she had wanted Creven to walk her down the aisle and hand her to Coran. Tear stained paper had been places on the church layout with crossed out names all around the alter. A big cross was through it att and a note stating she didnt want this big wedding anymore. The wedding she wanted would never happen as she wanted it. Kana had found the engagement ring on the bed with a letter saying she couldnt get married without Coran there and that would never happen cos he was dead and if there was a way they could get him there in ghost form, her daddy wouldnt be there. Kana had stared at the letter for days, at a loss of what to do until he disappeared with the others, not a word to Jem about where they were going,so once again, she had to sit, stay at home, be a good wife, sister in law, friend and mother and not do anything stupid and reckless. Jem scoffed, shaking her head. She wouldnt even know the first place too look to find any of them. Closing her eyes, she tried to find Crevens mind in the sea of minds, as far as she could reach. Crying silent tears, Jem makes her way back inside and back to the bed, falling into a deep sleep, dreaming once again of Corans death from another perspective, still crying in her sleep.

Jem working for Kyson? (Happened before the 2 parter.)


As Jem wakes up, she turns over, her eyes still closed and smiles as she feels down Creven’s side of the bed for him. She frowns and opens her eyes to find him not there. But someone else was, watching her, smirking. She sits up and growls “Aah now Jem, there is no need to be so hostile is there? Not so early on such a glorious day” Kyson smiles at her. Jem glares at him, not moving or taking her eyes off him until she hears a noise from one of the other bedroom’s and starts to move from the bed as Kyson grabs her quickly “Oh no you don’t. Your brats will be fine, so long as you don’t make a noise” he laughs at Jem as her face grows a mixture of upset and angry “Ky…Kyson” she manages to croak “Kyson. What are you doing here? Don’t hurt my children. Please” she begs. Jem  glances at the bedroom door, hearing her babies whining and scratching at their bedroom doors as Kyson laughs “They really are stupid aren’t they” he whispers to her, taunting her for a reaction she would soon give  him, if only he knew how to rile her up. Oh, wait. He did. Kyson smirks at Jem, and she glares back at him, snapping her attention back onto him “My children are not stupid. What do you want?” Jem was growing angry, and with her anger there would be unpredictable consequences’ for anyone who crossed her, no matter whom it was. Even if it was one of the worst people she had ever met, the one who knew exactly how to hurt her without touching her. How she wished Creven was here, but on the other hand, she was kind of glad he wasn’t. Jem could never let her other side out while Creven was about, her side he had only partially seen, a side she didn’t want him to see for a while, if ever. The side she had been training for all her life. No, it was better that she kept that to herself, for now at least. Jem tilts her head, waiting for Kyson to reply. Kyson smiles back at her, as if trying to analyze what was going through her head, and of course he could, with his Kitsune powers he could easily read her mind. To him Jem was just too easy to play with, simple minded, and still with no idea how to block people from being in her head. Kyson throws his head back in laughter “What do I want? Aah Jem I want the knowledge that’s  in your head. I saw a few things in there when I was making you my insider” He laughs as Jem shakes her head, as if to rid the memories from her head. Kyson places his hand on her bare arm and whispers quietly to her “What I want is to hurt you, by hurting those close to you. I know it will work, I know you have to prove to your pathetic husband that you can do what he does. That you can kill without emotion and …” Jem shakes his arm off, as if she just noticed it was there, and she rubs her arms to rid the goose bumps his touch had caused, and interrupts him “I have nothing to prove to anyone about what I can and can’t do. I want to do this job because I can, not because Creven thinks I cant. Not that its anything to do with you” Jem snarls. “Actually it is. I have a small job for you” Kyson watches her reaction carefully as he continues “I want you to kill…” he shakes his head “Ah kill is such a harsh word. Let’s say ‘take care of’ instead” he says, using his fingers to add quotation marks around the words take care of. Jem scowls “To ‘take care of’ who?” She asks, using the same quotation marks. Kysons lips form an eerie kind of half smile, which seemed even eerier in the bedroom with only slight sunlight filtering through the small gap in the curtains. He shakes his head “Not yet. It’s too early to be discussing these kinds of things. I shall be back in a few hours, when you have found a suitable babysitter for the brats in there” he nods towards the door, towards Coran and Marriah. Jems face grows angrier “If you don’t stop calling my children brats I won’t even consider helping you do anything” she snarls as Kyson sits up, a somewhat satisfied and shocked look on his face. He didn’t actually think Jem would even consider his offer. Kyson stands up and waves his hand towards the children’s door and Jem hears a couple of loud clicks and the patter of fox paws across the landing as Kyson shrugs “Well I couldn’t have them thinking about me in mommy and daddy’s bedroom, sat on the bed could I. that husband of yours would be after me before I knew what was happening, and I don’t like having a disadvantage, as you may have already noticed” he smirks as they hear scratching at the bedroom door, Jem still sat on the bed, Kyson smirking as he walks over to the window “Until next time Jem. Bye” and with that he apparates out just as Coran and Marriah burst into the bedroom.

Jem picks up Coran and Marriah and hold them to her whispering “Mommy has to go away for a few days but I am going to see in Uncle Kana can look after you. Its ok, mommy will be ok. I promise you” she adds as they both start whining and she places them back on the floor , watching them run about for a few minutes, pulling her phone out to send Kana a text. She looks at the open bedroom door, frowning as she hears a loud crack “Creven?” she calls out, half expectantly, knowing it wasn’t him. He had a job to do, similar to one she had been partly offered.  She frowns and shakes her head trying to clear the thought from her mind as Kana leans against the doorframe, his usual goofy grin across his face “Hi Jem. Sure I will take them for a few days” he laughs as Jem looks confused. She hadn’t even had the time to text him to ask! “Creven asked you to keep an eye on me again didn’t he?” She questions him, knowing the answer as Kana nods “He sure did. He also told me, in-between laughing, what you said about following him in his assassin footsteps” Kana sits on the bed next to Jem and looks directly at her, concern across his face “You do know how concerned he is don’t you? He thinks that you are being a bit suicidal. It’s not clever Jem, or easy. I mean, I have seen Creven hurt a lot of times, and he is bloody good at what he does. What happens if something goes wrong and you end up hurt? Creven wouldn’t know how to deal with that, the kids would be without a mom, and what about your father?” Jem sighs and nods “I know, I have thought about this a million times Kana. Do you think I would have mentioned it to him if I had just thought about it?” Jem snaps her head up to him “He laughed at the idea of me doing it? Nice” she mutters “I have tried explaining it to him that I have been training with my father and uncle for most of my life. I know what I am doing. I’m not going to get myself hurt or worse. Creven does it all the time, and doesn’t even tell me. I assume that’s because he doesn’t want me to worry about him. I know he is good at his job, but I know I can be as good. I’m not just a child anymore. I have to start looking out for myself sometimes. I can’t go running to Creven every time something bad happens to us while he is away. I need him to know I can take care of us, in case something happens to him” Jem sighs as she finishes talking, not having took her eyes from Kana the whole time. Kana nods “I know. It’s not just that though Jem. He told me he was concerned about the way you were after what you did to Kyson” Jem shudders obviously at the mention of Kysons name “Yeah I know I didn’t exactly handle that well, but that was only because I had made the promise not to feed like I did. I bet he didn’t tell you that did he?” Jem questions and Kana shakes his head.   Jem shakes her head, knowing he must have left that part out to try and get Kana to see thinks from his point of view. Jem makes a mental not to talk to Creven about that the next time she sees him and Kana laughs “You know he won’t listen to you” Jem sighs again and nods “I know but it’s worth a try. I don’t want to start an argument or anything, but the kids are going to be starting school soon and I will be a boring housewife. I don’t want to be that! I need excitement. That’s why I love Creven. He isn’t boring, there’s always something happening with him, and I want to be in on that, you know what I mean?” Kana nods at her “Yes but at the risk of your own life?” he questions her and Jem shakes her head “No. Not intentionally at least. Kana, it’s the thrill of the fight I love. Creven hasn’t seen that side of me, and for good reason. I was vicious when I was fighting as a human. I didn’t know him then, not properly at least.” She lowers her voice “He hurt me a lot when I was human, I didn’t have any way of fighting his illusions” she smiles slightly as she glances over at the kids, asleep again curled up together “I’m glad I wasn’t able to fight him then, I wouldn’t even if I could though, that that’s the thing. I think he was the only person outside my family I couldn’t hurt. I couldn’t even dream of it Kana” she stops, before she makes a fool of herself and spills it all to Kana. Kana watches her amused “I know everything Jem, don’t feel embarrassed.” He leans in to her and whispers “You are all he talked about for weeks. He tried to find an excuse to find you, just to see you every day. The boy had it bad” he laughs, sitting back up and watching her face. Jem wraps her hair around her finger and grins at Kana “He…He did?” she raises her eyebrows, grinning like a Cheshire cat as Kana nods, again.
Kana stands up `”Right kids come on” he calls out, waking them up “Kiss your mother and let’s head to the park. My lot are already there waiting for you” Coran and Marriah jump on the bed and jump all over Jem, licking her face, their way of saying “we love you momma. See you soon” Jem smiles and kisses the top of both of their head and nods a thank you to Kana as he takes the children from her and apparates from out the bedroom, his goofy smile reappearing.
Jem shakes her head, a smile across her face as Kana leaves, both of her and Creven’s children in his arms, and seconds later she lays back down on the bed, her hands over her face running over the offer from Kyson. She knew Creven wouldn’t approve, and neither would Kana, Lea or Corbin. She was at a loss of what to do. On one hand, she actually wanted to take Kysons offer, but every time she thought of it, all she saw was Creven’s scowling face, cross, with bright flickering violet in them and she shakes her head. Jem sits up and sighs before she dresses quickly and heads downstairs, unsure how to contact Kyson to tell him she wouldn’t be going through with it. She couldn’t, not after what he did to them. He ruined her wedding day for God’s sake!! She pulls her phone from her pocket as it starts to ring. An unknown caller? “Hello who is this?” she stops still, halfway down the stairs “Kyson. Just who I wanted to speak to. I’m not going to do it” and with that she hangs the phone up and carries on down the stairs, and heads to the kitchen. She freezes in the doorway “I have a dammed front door you know. Maybe you should use it sometimes” she spits at Kyson, who was sat at the table. He laughs “Ah Jem, I had a feeling you would say no. may I ask why” Kyson tilts his head to the side, watching her as she stands in the doorway “You can ask, but maybe I don’t feel like I have to explain myself to you” Jem retorts, shifting slightly, feeling uneasy with him in her house. Yet again. “Well well, I have a feeling it has to do with Creven“ he half sneers at her “Pathetic. You can’t even do one little job for me when he isn’t here” Jem laughs “a little job? After what you have done to me and my family you think I will help you?” Kyson nods “yes I do. Well you can do it or I can make you” He grins at her, knowing that would make her change her mind.  Jem growls “If you even think of it” she starts and stops herself. She was no match for him if he decided she was threatening him. She was sure he would attack her, maybe kill her as payback for her killing him. “Kyson, if I do this, and I mean IF” she emphasizes “how do I know you wont go running to someone in my family, telling them im helping you?” Kyson laughs again, and shifts in his chair “Oh you don’t Jem, you have to just trust me” Jem stares at him before shaking her head “No way. I don’t trust you now. I never have. You wanted to hurt my son, and you probably still do. I don’t even know why you are in my house. Please leave” she tries to keep her calm as she points to the back door, more a habit than anything as she knew he wouldn’t use it. Kyson stands up, places a folder on the table and walks towards Jem, leaning into her and whispering in her ear “There’s a folder on the table, all the information is in there on the man I want you to take care of. Its all in your hands now Mrs. Calanon” Jem shudders at his words, feeling his breath in her ear “Actually its Mrs. Calanon Deathstar-Kings” she retorts. Kyson takes a step back and quickly grabs Jem by her throat, pushing her against the wall “Don’t ever prove me wrong again. It will be the last thing you ever do” He lets go of her and watches as she rubs her throat “And don’t you ever do that to me again in my own house, or it will be the last thing you ever do. Understand me? Now leave” Jem yells at him, no cares for politeness, as she watches Kyson smirk and walk out the back door and out of the garden. Jem shuts the door after him and leans against it, glancing at the folder on the table. She makes herself a cup of tea and sits down, just staring at the folder, unsure what to do. If she took the job, she was risking the family finding out, Creven would be furious. She knew that for sure, as she also knew Kyson wouldn’t  keep quiet about it, and it would only be a matter of time before word spread. She sips her tea, weighing up the consequences as she slowly opens the folder and begins to read

Peter Richards, muggle, 32 from Birmingham, accused of kidnapping young children in supermarkets. Jem looks at the photograph attached, and shakes her head. Kyson must have known she would read this and be slightly shocked. She was shocked, shocked that someone could do that to poor small children. What if it had have been her children? Jem carries on reading
Arrested five times and always managed to escape. Recently seen in the Newton Heath area in Manchester, under the fake name Robert Pincher’s, he recently started working at Briscoe Lane Primary School, which would suit his age range from his previous convictions 
Jem frowns at the next line, added in by someone’s scrawly handwriting Any other information on this man is classified at the current time but we do have some insiders trying to get as much as possible to make another arrest
Other Information
Currently unmarried, no brothers or sister as we know of.

Jem sighs and runs her hand through her hair. Not much there for her to go on if she was to take the job, and he was a muggle to top it off. If she had to do it she would have to be very careful. She glances at the time. It was still early. She sighs again as she re-reads the file a few more times before she stands up. She had to do it. She runs upstairs and grabs her dagger from under the mattress and wonders how to get in touch with Kyson as her phone beeps to indicate a text “Thank you. Today is how to prove you can do it. K” she launches her phone at the wall and curses as it shatters into a million pieces in front of her eyes. Another one broken. She shakes her head and leaves it as she walks back downstairs, grabs her jacket and, and the file from the table, walks outside, locking the door behind her and heading for the alleyway, apparating to Manchester, the file in her hand, her target soon to be in sight.

A few minutes after appearing down a side street in Manchester, a few people staring at her, Jem steps out onto the busy high street. After walking around for about an hour, she realizes she is about five miles from where she wanted to be “dammit. I hate apparating long distances” she mutters, cursing herself as she walks, her head down but her eyes still glancing around at the buildings. Jem stops someone for directions, nodding as she is given them and thanks the lady and carries on “Round the corner, second on the left and carry on down the street” She mutters to herself as she walks, receiving a few strange looks and raised eyebrows. She ignores them and fifteen minutes later she is stood outside the school. She glances round and chews her lip, unsure what to do next, other than wait, but she didn’t want to look out of place, or like some kind of weirdo. She laughs to herself and spins round, walking down the street a bit further to sit on the bench and takes out the file and waits, reading it over and over again, staring at the picture to memorize it.
After an hour and a bit of waiting, Jem looks up, hearing a school bell. She blinks a few times as she sees lots of people standing at the school gate. Jem looks at her phone for the time. 2.30pm. “It must be time for end of school” she murmurs, scanning the crowd for Peter, or Roberts as he was now known. After ten minutes of watching, she spots him, a young dark haired boy in tow. Jem growls and stands up, and watches as Peter leads the boy down a side street. Jem walks over quickly, keeping a few meters away so not to be heard.  She frowns as she hears what she presumes to be Peters voice “Its ok Craig, you don’t need to worry. I’m not going to hurt you. Will not that you will remember anyway” followed by an unmistakable sound of ripping flesh, unheard by human ears. Jem runs down the side street and is instantly hit by the smell of blood and she stops, growling, knowing Peter could hear her. Peter looks up and smirks, `”Ah hello. You must be Jem. Kyson had told me you would be arriving soon” He laughs at the look of surprise on Jems face, as she holds her breath “Come on now, breathe deep, you know you want to”
Jem takes a few steps closer, her eyes not leaving Peter “So, Kyson told you I may turn up did he. I knew I shouldn’t trust him” she curses herself mentally and shakes her head. She had fallen for another Kyson trick, but no matter, she could easily take this vampire down. One was no match for her, not after the six she had destroyed before. She smirks at him and shakes her head “Im not going to breathe at all” she glances at the still body of the boy and sighs “What did he ever do to you? Is this what had been happening to the others who have disappeared? You’re feeding from them? Why?” She fries a few questions at him as he carries on smirking; licking some blood from the corner of his mouth “Well its Kyson isn’t it. Oh dear Jem, I’m sure Creven won’t be too happy you have been working with him” he laughs “yes this is what I have been doing. Where better to feed than in a school of children with healthy blood. And I only choose the ones who are in children’s homes so no one notices they are missing. It’s so easy” he grins as he lets go of the body smiling satisfactory at the dull thud it makes as it hits the floor before turning his full attention to Jem. “So what do you want to do to me” he asks her, a grin playing on his lips. Jem stares at him, before growling “Well I going to kill you” she retorts, simply “You don’t deserve to live, especially after what you have been doing” Peter laughs “And YOU are going to kill me? YOU” he laughs “What makes you think you can kill me?” he questions her, his eyebrows raised “What, apart from the fact I killed Kyson the other week, before Elijah resurrected him somehow” she snaps right back, without a moment’s hesitation. Peter laughs “Yes you did, but as you said, a resurrection occurred which, in my books’, makes your killing back down to the vampires you killed a while ago. And they don’t count as they were just nobodies” he smirks.
Jem snaps her head around, hearing light footsteps coming up behind her and curses under her breath ”Yes Jem you have a reason to curse. I told you I would see you again soon. I think it’s time for a bit of payback don’t you” Nikia sneers at Jem, walking right up to her and wrapping her hand around her throat, shoving her into the wall. Jem gasps and tries to wriggle free, knowing it was useless. She glares at Nikia and starts kicking out, catching her shins and laughing slightly as Nikia mutters under her breath. Peter looks at them both and slips into the shadows, calling back to them both “Play nice ladies. I shall leave you to it. I think Nikia has a score to settle” Nikia nods, not taking her eyes from Jem “Yes I think we do have some unfinished business don’t we Jem” She laughs as Jem just stands there, unable to move, or at least letting Nikia think so as she slowly moves her hand behind her back and grabs the hilt of her dagger from her belt “Ah Nikia I though you should have learnt by now I don’t come unprepared” she growls lowly, waiting for the time to strike, not moving her hand from the dagger. Nikia shakes her head “There is always time for me to take that from behind your back” she leans in and lowers her voice to just above a whisper “Just because you are a Calanon now, doesn’t mean you can make stupid foolish moves like your husband. And speaking of your husband” Nikia sits up, her voice back to normal as she watches Jems face fall, and she laughs “Them two kids of yours are so entertaining aren’t they” Jem screams “Don’t you even dare touch my kids you BITCH” as she tries to free herself again, grabbing Nikia’s wrist to take her hand from around her neck  . Nikia sneers and shakes her head “I don’t think so do you, you filthy vampire” she laughs as she picks her up and throws her against the wall behind her and watches Jem crumple to the floor. Nikia walks over to her, slowly, seeing slight movements, smirking as she kicks Jem in her side. Jem cries out quietly, not wanting to show Nikia any weaknesses. Nikia just carries on smirking and sends Jem some illusions of intense pain, and leans against the wall watching as Jem writhes around the floor in what she thought was pain. Nikia laughs until she hears barking and a white fox appears behind her, biting her ankles. Kana. Nikia cries out and kicks at the fox, breaking her link with Jem, who sits up and pulls her dagger out, grabbing Nikia from behind, glancing at Kana and shaking her head slightly “Just go Kana. Please find Coran and Marriah. Take them home or to Corbin. No one can get in Calanon house. Thanks for the help. I will explain later” She mutters and watches him reluctantly run off before she turns her attention back to Nikia “Well well. Here we are. Nice payback by the way. What’s to stop me from running this blade slowly across your throat and calling for Peter to come back and feed? Imagine how powerful that would make him. Kitsune blood. It changes a vampire, in ways I can’t describe. Well Kyson’s did to me” Jem laughs in Nikia’s ear, digging the tip of her dagger into Nikia’s neck, not quite piercing the skin. Yet.  Nikia closes her eyes “You don’t dare do it Jem. You are all mouth and no action. Words don’t mean a thing unless you go through with it” She taunts, almost whispering, her voice so quiet that a human wouldn’t hear it. Jem growls in reply, dragging the blade across Nikia’s neck “Who said I’m all mouth no action hmm” She taunts, dragging the blade slowly “This has been coming to you for a long time” she laughs, pulling the blade away from Nikia’s neck as she hears someone running into the alley “Oh look who’s back Nikia, he must have smelled your blood” She digs the blade into Nikia’s arm and pushes her away, into the path of Peter, who catches her by her bleeding arm and sinks his fangs into her. Nikia falls to the floor, whimpering, and Jem smiles, a satisfactory smile across her face as she watches Peter slowly feed. She folds her arms across her chest laughing. Jem walks up to them both, her blade still in her hand as she bends  down behind Peter and breathes down his neck “You were still the target you know” she whispers, unsure if he even heard her. Jem smirks as she digs the blade into Peters back over and over again, hearing his muffled cries of pain each time the blade sunk into him, yet still he refused to stop feeding. Jem stands up and moves away as the blood hits her. She didn’t want to be distracted right now. She listens to the slowing heart beat and shallow breathing of both Nikia and Peter for a few minutes before she turns on her heels and heads further down the alley, melting into the shadows before she disappears with a loud crack. 
Now was the time to find Kana and her children to make sure they were all safe…

Creven and Lea (Part2)

<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley apparates into the main living room with Creven and Dorian. Creven lays on the sofa letting Lea heal his wounds while Dorian goes upstairs for a shower and some proper sleep. “You should text Jem; let her know we're home and safe."
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - nods running his forehead “yeah...although her seeing me like this will probably be a bad you think it’s true about Kyson?” he asks after explaining it all and sending a quick simple text.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden stands outside the front door of the castle, one hand on the door handle, her phone in the other hand. She reads the text and sighs loudly, maybe too loudly, debating on whether to walk inside or not. After all, she was only here to pick a few of Coran and Marriahs toys up, she wasn’t expecting anyone to be here. Jem runs her hand through her hair and slips inside and heads straight up the stairs, as quietly as possible.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley steps back from her brother after healing the bite wound and a few of the others “feeling any better?”
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - nods and sits up “yes...still in pain from whatever Elijah did...but okay” he pauses and looks around “Jem is here” he whispers
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden walks into the kid’s room and trips over one of Coran’s toy cars in the middle of the floor. She curses and freezes, knowing she had given herself away. “Dammit” she mutters and picks the toy up before she grabs a few other toys and starts heading back down the stairs.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods and walks out and over to the bottom of the stairs “hey Jem!” she tries to sound casual
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - remains in the sofa placing his head in his hands and closes his eyes running through what Elijah said about Jem and Kyson.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden looks at Lea from halfway up the stairs and fakes a smile “Hi Lea. I was just grabbing some toys for the kids. I will bring some back later. Just having a clear out. I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here. Erm” she pauses as she walks down the rest of the stairs “How are you?”
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods and smiles “I’m good thanks...yourself?” she asks sensing a slight tension.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - sighs before laying back down still feeling Elijah’s venom as it swept through his veins.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden nods "I’m ok thanks" she looks over Leas shoulder, frowning slightly "Creven’s in there isn’t he" she whispers, trying to hide the shakiness in her voice.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods “would you like a cup of tea?” she asks blocking the living room door.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - rolls onto his side facing away from the door
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden frowns slightly and nods "Sure. That would be nice" she smiles, keeping her eyes fixed towards the living room.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods before walking towards the kitchen. it would be better to leave them alone to talk.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) keeps on his side using his other senses to work out what Jem was doing.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs, following Lea to the kitchen, taking one last look at the living room door, and fighting all her urges to just burst in there and tell Creven everything. She shakes her head and takes a seat at the table.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley starts making the tea glad that Jem had followed her. Lea places a cup down in front of Jem and smiles slightly.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - sighs and sits up knowing he would have to talk to her about Kyson at some point soon.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden half smiles up at Lea muttering a thank you to her as she picks up the cup, wrapping her hands around it, unsure what to say.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley sips her own tea. “We know about Kyson”. She says quickly better to get the conversation over with.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - nods as he walks through the door fixing his eyes on Jem “but we want to know your point of view on what happened”... he says sternly the violet bright in his eyes
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden snaps her head up to Lea "I thought you might do" she mutters before she gasps and almost drops her cup as she jumps at Creven’s voice behind her.              
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley looks from Jem to Creven.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) -sits down opposite Jem “so my dear wife tell us what happened?” he says as he folds him arms keeping his eyes on her.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden glances at Creven, not liking the tone of his voice. She pauses for a few seconds, as she takes a sip of her tea. She sets the cup down on the table and tells them everything that had happened, leaving nothing out. She looks down at the table as she tells them about Nikia.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley raises her eye brows listening.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - slams his left hand on the table “you did it all willingly...Jem do you realise how stupid that was” he exclaims and shakes his head “why did you even do it? to prove to me you could? it’s made me think the opposite! It was reckless!” he raises his voice, his temper increased by Elijah’s actions.

<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden jumps as Creven's hand hits the table “Yes I did it all willingly. I did it because I could! YOU told me I couldn’t! YOU made me feel useless! Now you know how I feel every time you go out on a job!” she yells back, snapping, frustrated at him and annoyed with herself. “I know it was reckless, but I’m not going to apologise for it.”
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - fixes his eyes on Jem "I never said you couldn't do it!" Creven shakes his head keeping his hand flat on the table "Ha! At least I don't work for our enemies! and fine, I don't even want your apology, it wouldn't do any good anyway!" he yells back at her his eyes scanning her face.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden stares blankly at him across the table, her eyes filled with sadness “I... He ... the kids” Jem trips over the words coming out of her mouth, trying to find the words to explain why she had done it. Jem shakes her head slightly, wrapping the end of her hair around her fingers, shaking slightly “What do you mean it wouldn’t do any good?” She mutters, keeping her eyes on his.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - blinks once the violet flickering "Because it can't change what happened...I'm... disappointed Jem, I never thought you'd do something like that, go behind my back, its low...really low I was willing to listen to you!"
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden keeps her eyes on him, determined not to turn away “Yeah ok so I did something stupid and reckless. What a surprise. You think I’m not disappointed in myself?” she blinks a few times “You were?”
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - nods "Yes...or I was anyway..." he replies looking down at the table, still feeling the side effects from Elijah's attack.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs "I messed up again didn’t I?" she whispers out loud "I let everyone down. Yet again"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - nods keeping his eyes on the table "Yes you need to learn to stop doing it."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden frowns, watching Creven "What’s wrong?" she questions, changing the subject. He didn’t look himself. She sniffs. He didn’t smell himself either.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - shakes his head, Jem didn't know about them rescuing Dorian and was worried what she would say, and he also didn't quite feel himself.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden tilts her head before she stands up and walks over to him "Creven please tell me. I know something’s wrong" she whispers as she tips his chin up.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - blinks looking up at her, again the colour flashing brighter before pushing her hand away and turning his back to her.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden takes a few steps back from him "You..." she shakes her head "You hate me for this don’t you?" she gasps as she backs into the counter
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - turns back around "No...I could never hate you." he says blinking at her softly rubbing his neck.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden mutters "I think I hate myself enough for the both of us" she watches him carefully "Please tell me what’s wrong if it’s not me" she blinks, her eyes turning from their bright blue, to the dull grey colour as she looks at the floor.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - sighs "Don't hate yourself’s all my fault." he says his voice lowering to a whisper "All of it..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden shakes her head "None of this is your fault" she whispers, running her hand through her hair "None of it" she repeats.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - looks back down at the floor "I didn't believe Elijah when he told me...but it is my fault..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden gasps "Elijah told you? What.. When did that happen?" of course Elijah would have known. Kyson would have gone running to him. She sighs, rolling her eyes.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - blinks and looks up at Jem keeping his hand over his neck "Lea and I went to rescue Dorian..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden widens her eyes "What!"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - nods looking back down at the floor "Didn't go as smoothly as I had planned...but we got him."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden frowns "What happened to your neck? And what do you mean it didn’t go smoothly?" she sighs, closing her eyes "tell me what happened"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - rubs the palms of his hands together and starts to explain what had happened, passing over the parts about Elijah biting him and the venom with a shudder.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden claps her hand over her mouth "Oh my god!" she sits herself back at the table, next to Creven this time, placing a hand on his "And I just made it worse" she mutters "maybe I shouldn’t do this anymore. We could have both been badly hurt. Or worse"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - shakes his head looking down at their hands "No...I have to train you properly..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden laces their hands together, laughing slightly "You would train me? Really?" she glances up at him, slightly shocked.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - nods "Yes...Jem I want you to be prepared for be able to cope on your own if you ever have to."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden shakes her head, turning her head away from him "Don’t say that. I told you before; I don’t want to think about... that"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - nods again "I know...but we have too Jem."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden keeps her head facing away from him so he can’t see her eyes filling slowly with tears "Creven... please.`" she mutters, trying to hide her voice breaking.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - pulls his hands from her grip "No Jem...anything could happen to either one of us at any time...more likely me, he nearly turned me Jem...I can't let anything like that happen and leave you unprepared..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden slowly turns back to face her husband "He WHAT?! she almost yells "I can’t... he... I... just what!" she just looks at him, her eyes quickly turning from the dull grey to their dark black, showing how angry she was.. She looks down at her hand, still in the same place on the table, but on its own as a tear falls from her eyes "Please, Creven. After what has happened, I don’t want to talk about losing you" she wipes her cheek, thinking back to the last time they had had this conversation, about her being alone, the kids grown up and gone, as well as Creven  and everyone else. All of them, just gone. She looks at him, running her fingers through his fringe, twisting the ends around her finger before she pulls away from him, fighting back tears as she chews her lip, harder than usual before she gives in, burying her face in her hands as she starts to sob silently.

<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV( - frowns watching Jem as she turns away. Creven gets up and kneels in front of her “Apollo can make me immortal to sicknesses and I can live as long as you, but he can't protect me from injury” he sighs watching her “I will never leave you Jem, not of my choosing anyway.”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sniffs, moving her hands away from her face, jumping slighty seeing him kneeled in front of her "I know you won’t leave me, it’s not that what scares me and you know it" she whispers.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) nods and sighs before standing up” I don't know what else to say to you about it, apart from get over it!” He raises his voice again slightly
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden stares at him as he gets up “What’s with raising your voice at me? Ok so I get it, you're mad at me for doing it, I get that. Just don’t make me feel worse than I already do.”
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - folds his arms while shaking his head "I can't help it." he replies trying to keep his voice on a single level
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden blinks; looking down at the floor again "I let you down. Again" she mutters
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - nods looking at her unable to control his automatic responses “Yes...but it doesn't matter”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs, unable to look up at him, feeling ashamed at herself "Of course it matters! If it didn’t, then why are we arguing?"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - rubs his forehead I'm not sure...”its hard to think straight at the moment.”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden glances up at him, sensing something in his tone "Something wrong honey?" she asks, frowning as she tries to work out what’s different about him.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley cv - nods again rubbing his forehead again before backing against the worktops glancing at her over his shoulder, the normal violet in his eyes gone, replaced with red “Run” he whispers to her before placing his head in his hands, his breathing increased.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden stares at him for a few seconds before she stands up and runs from the room, stopping at the bottom of the stairs.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - grips the edge of the worktop trying to keep himself in control, the power of Elijah's venom and his orders seeping through. Creven shakes his head, he knew that the effects would pass within a few days but didn't realise how strong they would be. Creven swiftly takes his Kitsune form and runs, passing Jem on the stairs unlocking the front door with his mind before disappearing down the street. The best thing to do was to put a distance between Jem and himself, through Elijah's venom he had created a bond with Creven, allowing him to control him. Due to the small amount of venom Creven could just about fight it, it was the main reason he wouldn't let Jem turn him, vampires who turn Kitsune gain complete control over them, Elijah hadn't been far wrong when talking about making Creven his pet.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sits on the stairs, her phone already in her hand as she gasps, Creven flying past her and out the door "Creven..." she starts to yell after him, before shaking her head, knowing it was pointless. Jem stays sat on the stairs just staring at the partly opened door, unsure what was going on and feeling useless once again.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley slips through the open door seeing Jem on the steps "Where's Creven?" she asks looking at the look on her face.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden shakes her head at Lea "I don’t know. Something happened int he kitchen, his eyes were red Lea. Red. He told me to run, and then he ran out in his Kitsune form. I don’t know where he went" Jem look at Lea, angrily "Would you like to tell me why my husband has red eyes Lea? Red like a hungry vampire?"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley frowns "Venom has that effect on Kitsune...they become...enslaved onto the vampire, has to do whatever the vampire asks...its effects will wear off"
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden gasps "Venom? as in he was BITTEN" Jem yells "WHO DID IT!"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods "Elijah..." she replies softly sitting next to Jem.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden growls before she takes a few deep breaths to try and calm herself down "Lea what can we do? I don’t like what I saw in the kitchen"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley shakes her head "We can only wait Jem..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs "I don’t want to wait Lea. I just want him back to normal"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods wrapping an arm around Jem "He'll be fine..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden lays her head on Lea, keeping her eyes fixed on the front door "I hope so..." she mutters quietly.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods "Jem, there’s something I have to tell you..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden keeps her eyes on the door "What? Tell me Lea. Is it about Creven?"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley shakes her head "No...nothing about Creven...its, I'm not sure how to explain..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden frowns as she slowly turns to look at her sister in law "If its not about Creven then..." she gasps, her hand flying to her mouth "Lea, please tell me its not my kids"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley shakes her head again "Its not Jem...its me...I asked someone to move in with me yesterday..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden exhales loudly "Thank god its not my kids Lea, you almost gave me a bloody heart attack. Wait she raises her eyebrows Who did you ask to move in?" she frowns
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley runs a hand through her hair "A guy I met, his name is Alex...he's...amazing."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden blinks a few times "But Lea.. what about..." she stops herself from mentioning her father "never mind"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley shakes her head "What about Jordan? Jem...I can't, not any more...we've grown apart, I can't live with a relationship like that....but Alex." she smiles slightly "I've never met anyone like him, its like we've known each other for years..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs, nodding "I know Lea. I saw it happening a few months ago, but I couldn’t say anything " she sighs again, looking away from Lea slightly. Well she may as well say it now, its not like it could cause any damage if they had already grown apart.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods "I thought Jordan was the one... obviously I was wrong, I've moved back in with my father permanently, Gaia had come with him...I haven’t told Alex yet, but we're...involved."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sits listening, nodding "Yeah" she mutters, not knowing what else to say. She turns and stares back at the door, as if Creven was going to just walk back in and all would be fine, even  though she knew she was just kidding herself.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley shakes her head and laughs slightly "Its a funny thing life...but Alex, he's a good man Jem...although I hardly know him.”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden nods, half listening "I’m sure he is Lea. Just be careful" she half smiles, remembering the words Corbin had told her and Creven.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley smiles "I always am...there’s just such a connection between us."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden shakes her head, smiling "Too much information" she grins, holding her hands up to stop Lea from telling her anymore
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley laughs "Nothing happened...we just kissed." she smiles watching Jem "I've never been so relaxed and happy around everyone."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden nods at Lea, the smile on her face falling slightly as she chews her nails "I need to do something to take my mind off Creven. Just for an hour, to stop me worrying" even though she knew it wouldn’t work.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods "Why don't we take the kids out somewhere? Gaia too.."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden nods "Thats a good idea. Kana has Coran and Marriah"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley smiles "Get him to come back...I'll nip home and we can go to the park or something..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden picks up her phone from next to her and sends Kana a text "All done" she says as she puts her phone in her pocket and waits.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley smiles and stands up before hearing a knock at the door and glancing around as Kana walks in with Marriah, Coran and Gaia. "Hey! I picked Gaia up too!" he says cheerfully.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden forces a smile as Kana walks in. There was no need to worry him, or more than anything freak him out "Hey Kana" She chirps before she picks her kids up "Hey my angels. Have you behaved?"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley smiles and scoops up Gaia, giggling as normal "Thanks Kana." Lea says smiling at them both.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (K) - smiles "You're welcome Lea and of course the behaved...well Coran better than Marriah."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden raises her eyebrows at Marriah who was burying her head in Jem "What has she been doing?"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley laughs listening to Jem and Kana kissing the top of Gaia's head.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (K) - folds his arms "Causing chaos..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden Looks at Marriah "What kind of chaos? She does chaos everyday"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley smiles rocking Gaia looking down at her a million thoughts going through her mind.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (K) - laughs "Tripping me up, teasing Coran...finding the muddiest puddles..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden laughs, kissing Marriahs head "Oh Marriah that was naughty. say sorry to Uncle Kana" she scolds as Marriah looks at Kana muttering "Sorry" as Coran laughs at his sister getting told off.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (k) - smiles and strokes Marriahs cheek "Apology accepted young one."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sits back down on the stairs and wraps her arm around Coran, and pulls them both close to her before she smiles up at6 Kana "Thanks for having them Kana. I appreciate it" she smiles.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley smiles watching Jem.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (K) - shrugs "My pleasure Jem...any time."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden nods "I may be asking you again soon Kana" she mutters under her breath before sending the kids up to their rooms to get changed.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley looks from Jem to Kana still holding Gaia close.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (K) - nods and smiles "Anytime Jem, anytime!"
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs and glances at her phone before hearing yelling coming from upstairs "I will be right back" she grumbles, rolling her eyes as she runs upstairs.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley laughs as she watches Jem.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (K) - turns to look at Lea "I know what happened to Creven...your father told me, but I wont say anything to Jem."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden yells at Coran and Marriah "I’m telling you now if you don’t behave, the pair of you, you wont be coming to the park with me and your aunt Lea and Gaia" Jem walks out the bedroom and into Creven’s room, ignoring the yells of protest from the pair of them. She sits on his bed, staring at the wall, lost in thought.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods and smiles weakly "He'll be back to normal in a couple of days..."
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (K) - nods running a hand through his hair "Good."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden takes a deep breath and walks back out of the bedroom "Hurry up you two" she calls out as she heads back downstairs "You know a couple of days is still a long time" she mutters, looking from Lea to Kana as she leans against the wall "What am I supposed to tell..." she stops as she hears the bedroom door open, turning to watch Coran and Marriah running downstairs,.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley shakes her head "Vampire hearing, one day I'll remember..."
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (K) - shakes his head in response "He's working..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden nods in response to Kana and Looks at Lea "I’m ready when you are" she forces a smile
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods and walks towards the door "Come on then.."
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (K) - smiles "I'll keep an eye on Creven...I know his mind as well as my own..." he looks at Jem and makes eye contact before disappearing.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden ushers Coran and Marriah out the door before turning back to Kana "Thank you" she sighs as he makes eye contact with her, hoping he couldn’t see how much she was worrying before waving  to him as he disappears.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley places Gaia down on her feet watching her giggle and whisper with Marriah before raising her eyebrows at Jem "I think we are going to have to keep an eye on those two."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden grins watching the girls as Coran grabs her hand "Yeah, I think we are" she squeezes Coran’s hand, knowing deep down he had some idea what was happening with his father.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley smiles before laughing and chasing the girls, teasing them and trying to join their conversation.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs and takes her hand from her sons, wrapping it around his shoulder instead. No words were needed to be exchanged between them. They just walked along, slightly slower than normal, both had the same things on their mind. Coran rests his head on Jem as they walked muttering "Dad will be ok mom"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley laughs and giggles along with Marriah and Gaia before glancing over her shoulder and watching Jem and Coran, Creven would be fine, he always was.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden nods looking down and her son, kissing the top of his head "I know son, but it doesn’t stop your silly momma worrying does it" she tries to joke.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley goes back to playing with the girls, smiling and laughing properly for the first time in a while, part of her thoughts slightly else where.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden laughs watching the girls and Lea as Coran shakes his head "I know mom. Marriah doesn’t know, and I promise I wont tell her anything" Jem smiles slightly, grateful her son was good with secrets.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley continues to laugh and races both of the girls to the park gate letting them both beat her.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden unwraps her arm from around Coran "Don’t worry about things, ok. Just go and play`" she whispers as he nods to her, kissing her cheek and running to the gate, chasing the girls. Jem laughs, watching them as she walks in after them all.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley smiles and lets the kids play as she walks across to Jem "We should do this more often."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden nods as she keeps her eyes on the kids "Yeah and not just as a take you mind off things trip either" Jem turns
 and looks at Lea "Coran knows. He isn’t stupid. Marriahs either got no idea or she is just choosing not to know it, or believe it"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods "Coran's blood once saved Creven's life...of course he'll know...but he will be fine Jem."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden nods "Can we not talk about it?" she asks quietly "I thought we were supposed to be taking my mind off it" she smiles at Lea "Tell me about Alex"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods and blushes as she smiles "He's new to this area...we met down Knockturn, he didn't know where he was. He's been staying with a friend but wanted to move somewhere else...I offered him a room at mine. He's kind, sweet, funny, gentle."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden raises her eyebrows "You offered him a room! Wow. well i mean its not like you have a small house is it" she laughs
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods still smiling "Yes...he was quite impressed with the size of the place actually...its odd Jem, really I hardly know him but somehow it feels like I've known him for years."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden laughs, nodding "Yeah I know how that feels" she smiles slightly as she turns to watch the kids on the swings.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley runs a hand through her hair "I have so much to tell him though...hopefully it won't scare him away, I pretty sure it won't." she bites her lip blushing slightly "His eyes are black, a deep black...they're incredible."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden turns back to Lea "Even blacker than dads were?" Jem murmurs, watching Lea for a few moments before turning back to watch as Coran plays with the girls in the sandbox.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods glancing at Jem "Yes, and somehow deeper too."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs and nods as she bites her nail. Marriah looks over at then, tilting her head slightly, before shaking her head and turning back, saying something to Coran, to which he just shrugs.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley smiles still thinking of Alex "I hope Gaia likes him."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden smiles "It may take a bit of getting used to for her i think"

<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods watching Gaia play "It may..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden frowns as Coran starts yelling at Marriah
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley raises her eyebrows "What’s all that about?" she asks Jem.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden shakes her head frowning still as she stands us "I don’t know, I have an idea though" she curses as she heads over to them
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods and stands up following Jem.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden starts to run as Marriah stands up, yelling louder "Coran just shut the hell up! Why do you have to be so stupid! Its nothing to do with us. its between mom and dad" Jem growls as she stops just a few feet away from them "HEY! Why don’t you just both pack it in or I swear to god you are both grounded and I will be telling your father" Marriah spins round to face her mother "Yeah, ok mom, whenever he decides to come back home. I know what’s going on. He has it playing in his head all the time" she spits, pointing at Coran who sighs and looks at Jem "Sorry mom, I couldn’t help it. Maybe she should stay out of my head" he mutters, glaring at Marriah. Jem sighs "Right. both of you home NOW" Jem yells at the pair of them.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley raises her eyebrows as she walks over keeping her eyes on Gaia who had folded her arms and began to cry, Lea frowns, Gaia never cried, even when she was a baby. "At least you still have a Dad who hasn't abandoned you!" she yells at both Marriah and Coran before running into Lea's arms, who had knelt down near her. Lea holds her close and looks up at Jem.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden glares at her kids "I thought I told you to get home. NOW! Look what you have dont to your cousin. I hope you are both happy." Jem snaps before kneeling down next to Gaia and Lea "Im sorry Sugar" she whispers to Gaia, kissing her head "I really am. " Jem hugs herm trying to fight back her tears as Coran and Marriah shift to their fox forms and run in the direction of home. Jem looks at Lea "Take her home. I have to go... somewhere. Just anywhere. Im sorry" she mutters, standing up and talking a few steps away from them and disapparating, her phone falling from her pocket.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley watches Coran and Marriah go before nodding to Jem, still keeping her arms around a sobbing Gaia "I will..." she whispers watching as Jem walks away "No wait!" she calls out seeing Jem's phone. Lea sighs and picks Gaia up before picking up Jem's phone "Come on sweetie, lets go home and granddad can make you a special hot chocolate." she says softly, her voice strained as she walks out of the park heading home.

<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - runs down the road and heads straight for the forest where he couldn't hurt anyone. Creven slows down and slumps against a tree panting slightly, Elijah was still using the link between  this time his orders had concerned Jem, and Creven hurting her, something which he could never do. Thankfully he had a strong mind, but had to get away just in case, he knew the effects would ebb, it would only take a couple of days. Creven glances up watching a squirrel jump from one tree to another, a couple of days...could he go home? risk hurting Jem? yes the effects would be getting weaker but a moment of lack of concentration and he could do real damage. Creven shakes his head, he couldn't go back, how about home? again no, to many people to hurt...he looks around at the surrounding trees, his home for the next couple of days, he done it before, stayed in fox form for days a at time, a couple of weeks. It just seemed harder now, he already missed Jem and the kids. He could feel his link with Coran being stretched, he knew. Creven’s ears twitch at the sound of a breaking twig and he glances behind himself quickly spotting a white fox approaching,  it was Kana, of course, who else.
 (K) walks across to Creven keeping his head high "I know what’s're just going to have to fight it." he thinks watching his friend.
(CV) nods "Is there anything I can do?"
(K)shakes his head "Spend a couple of days with me in the forest until it wears of chasing rabbits."
 (CV)nods his head and stands back up "Jem will be okay? and the kids?"
(K) nods "Of course...they are well looked after". he replies before running off chasing a rabbit,
(CV)smiles slightly inside before running after Kana, his thoughts on his wife.

<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden (Coran) quickly changes back to human form outside the house and storms in the front door as Marriah copies him "Dammit Marria do you have to copy everything I do" he mutters as he heads  to the kitchen for something to eat, Marriah laughs, nodding "Of course I do dear brother. What kind of little sister would I be if I didnt annoy you" she says in a sing song voice to annoy him. Coran just mutters under his breath before he turns to her smiling "Well do whatever because its not going to get to me this time. " he smirks slightly. Marriah growls "Come on Coran" she taunts, as she changes into her fox form again, growling at her brother as he rolls his eyes and quickly changes to his fox form and charges at her, starting to play fight.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley knocks on the door before opening it and walks in Gaia quite now but still clinging on to her arms "Jem?" Lea calls through the house before finding Marriah and Coran in the kitchen in fox form. Lea sighs watching them "Have either of you seen your mother?" she asks standing in between them.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden (Marriah) growls lowly, shaking her head, glancing at Coran who was watching Gaia, his head tilted. He walks over to her and nudges her hand, whining at her as if to say sorry.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Gaia) - sniffs and softly strokes Coran's head tickling him behind his ears.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley looks down at Coran "Any ideas where she may be?"
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden (Coran) nudges Gaia’s hand and shakes his head as Marriah lays on the floor and seemingly rolls her eyes
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley frowns at Marriah but nods "Okay...she disapparated and dropped her phone..." she says laying it on the kitchen worktop.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Gaia) - smiles slightly letting go of her mother and wrapping her arms around Coran.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden (Marriah) growls and changes back to her human form, sighing as she looks at Coran "I told you she wasnt ok, stupid" before she looks at Lea "Sorry aunt Lea, she hasn’t been home since we left the park" she wraps her hair around her finger and leans against the counter "Where do you think she could be?" she mutters to nobody in particular.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods and runs a hand through her hair "Okay...I have no idea," Lea stops and frowns "Elijah...shit...sorry I shouldn't swear in front of you."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden (Marriah) looks at Lea as Coran plays with Gaia "I have heard worse" she grins before looking confused "Who is Elijah?"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley frowns "A vampire...a bad one, he hurt your father, I just hope Jem is thinking straight."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden (Coran) growls up at Lea, glancing at his sister and shaking his head
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Gaia) - jumps slightly taking a step away from Coran
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden (Marriah) looks at Lea "Mom never thinks straight when it comes to dad. You should know that" she smirks, raising her eyebrows at Coran "Oh Coran, Im not going to do anything, don’t worry. I was just thinking about it" she huffs, rolling her eyes.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley smiles slightly looking at Marriah "You really are a perfect mix of Jem and Creven."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden (Coran) barks loudly, running to the door
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden (Marriah) laughs "Well what can i say" she shrugs, before following Coran and opening the back door for him.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Gaia) - smiles slightly tucking her hair behind her ear watching her cousins.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods "I'm not sure if its a good thing."
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden (Marriah) walks back in, her eyebrows raised "Why not" she growls at her aunt.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley smiles "That was a joke Marriah." she says as Gaia steps closer to her.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden (Marriah) sighs "Sorry" she mutters as she bends down to Gaia "Hey. do you want to go and play in my bedroom? I can make you into a big girl" she smiles at her cousin
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Gaia) - smiles up at Lea who nods "Go on...and have fun you two." she smiles stroking Gaia's head.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden (Marriah) nods at her aunt and takes Gaias hand, leading her up to her bedroom and playing dress up with her
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden (Coran) wanders back in, whining and yawning and heads to the front room, laying on the floor, falling asleep
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley smiles watching the girls leave before walking into the front room and sitting on the sofa.

<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden apparates into the forest and immediatly falls to the floor, unsure for a few minutes where she was. Jem glances around, listening for any noises. Upon hearing nothing but the wind she tries to stand up, and falls back down again, cursing under her breath at her ankle "Ow dammit" she mutters. She must have landed funny when she aparatied in.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - smiles from his place, sat on a tree branch above Jem, a fave spot of his for reading. He drops down out of the tree in front of her and smirks "Jem, what a pleasure again!"
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden jumps at the man lands infront of her, not recognising him until he speaks "Elijah" she growls "what do you want? she looks round and smirks "All alone i see."
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - nods and smiles "Alone as are you!" he comments motioning around "Hows Creven? not recovered yet I'm betting.."
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden narrows her eyes at him "What did you do to him?" she snaps
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - laughs "Part of what you want to...although for different reasons...I can use my venom to control him, its very effective and see turned Kitsune make such good pets."

<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden glares at Ejijah "I didnt want to turn him to use him as a pet" she yells, shifting around on the floor to face him properly "Why are you doing this to us Elijah?" she asks "Cant you just leave us alone? what did we ever do to you? Well apart from me killing Kyson" she tries not to grin.

<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - laughs listening to her "Because I can and you and your family stand between me and control of two races... actually you did me a favour killing Kyson..."
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden stands up, wobbling slightly "You can leave my family alone. If you have to deal with anyone, deal with me!" she growls "Seeng as you have already attacked my husband"

 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - nods and folds his arms "Yes, he put up quite a fight, you would have been proud Jem, right up to the moment where I bit him..."
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden scoffs "Yeah I think I would have been. If only I hadnt been disctracted by the scumbag of a friend of yours and his job that im starting to think was a set up" Jem puts her hands on her hips.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - smiles "Oh no Kyson's actions were his own...but I was quite attached to Nikia...I may have to replace her with Creven."
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden takes a step forward "Over my dead body Elijah" she snarls "And it wont be that easy"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - smirks "Oh Jem? is that a challenge?"
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden scoffs "You arent man enough Elijah and we both know it" she laughs.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - raises his eyebrows and takes a step towards Jem "Oh really..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden smirks and takes a step closer to him "Yes really" she hisses.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - smiles watching her "My my you are quite brave...although theres a thin line between bravery and foolishness."
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden smirks "Yes there is, and I usually cross it, but not today"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - laughs taking another step towards Jem.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden stops and watches him cautiously, not wanting to make any foolish moves.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - unfolds his arms keeping his eyes fixed on her.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden raises her eyebrows, a grin playing on the corner of her mouth as she tries not to laugh out loud.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - keeps watching Jem, Elijah was a patient man and was ready to make the first move, not tonight at least.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden chuckles slightly as she runs her hand through her hair "Im not going to provoke you to do anything Elijah. Its that simple. Stand there for as long as you want.”
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - nods taking another step towards Jem running a finger down her neck “it would be such a shame to spill any of your wonderful blood though.”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden growls, pushing his hand away from her "My blood has no special properties to it Elijah. Its of no interest to you or anyone else"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) – laughs “that’s where you are wrong...its currently mixed with Kitsune blood my dear from when you bite Kyson. It takes a while to go through our systems.”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden chuckles and shakes her head as she holds her arm out slightly "Take some of it then Elijah. I dare you" she sneers "I swear it will be the last thing you will do." she looks him in the eyes as hers turn from their bright blue to red and straight to the dark black.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - glances down at her arm before watching the colour change in her eyes “now that's very interesting.” he comments before running his index finger down her arm.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden watches Elijah, the smallest of smirks teasing the corners of her mouth "What would be interesting about that? The fact im stood here daring you? No, not interesting at all" she laughs.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - shakes his head looking at her “no you silly girl..the colour change of your have great power.”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden snatches her arm away from him, snarling loudly "Im not a silly girl andi would prefer if you didnt call me one" she blinks rapidly a few times "My eye’s have always changed colour, ever  since i was turned" she shrugs, burying her hands in her pockets. It was nothing new to her.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - raises his eyebrows interesting...”very interesting Jem...” he replies narrowing his eyes slightly. “but where does the blue come from? normally a sign of visions” Elijah raises his eyebrows” interesting...very interesting Jem...” he replies narrowing his eyes slightly. “but where does the blue come from? normally a sign of visions...”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden laughs and shakes her head "Visions? No, I dont have visions" she lies "My eyes were blue when i was a human. Thats all"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - smirks “oh I wish I could believe that...someone with the power of visions would be very useful to me...I could offer protection and saftey to their loved ones.”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden narrows her eyes at Elijah "Well its a shame i dont have visions isnt it" she growls "Not that we would take any kind of protection from you in the slightest. I made one mistake in taking a job with Kyson, im not about to make another on by letting you near my family" Jem takes her hands from her pockets and folds them across her chest and turns on her heels, starting to walk away.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - laughs before walking next to Jem placing a hand on her shoulder “i know a quick cure for your dear Creven...”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden stops dead in her track and snaps her head round to look at Elijah "What quick cure? There is no quick cure! You know what happened to him dont you?" She tries to keep her voice steady.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - nods rolling his eyes “of course I do...I bite him and released some of my venom into him...he's currently going through an inner battle with himself not to kill Kana, who is try to talk your fox husband out of it...quite a good fight. I can tell you a way to remove to venom from his blood and quickly, at a price.”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden gasps and swears loudly "No. You're lying. Creven would never hurt Kana. EVER" she yells shaking her head. He was lying, he had to be lying. “There’s always a price Elijah. What is it?"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - shakes his head “i'm telling the truth...I can still control Creven...your first born is very distressed over it, I can feel the link between Coran and his father...I wish I had such a link with Dorian, perhaps we would understand each other than...what I would ask from you is a induced vision...
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden shakes her head violently "Not a hope in hell Elijah. Your son is a half decent man, even after what he did to me. And you locked him up! Why? Because you could? No" she shakes her head again "Not going to happen" she growls again.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - glares at Jem “you don't know what I did to him! his brother is ten times the man dorian is...him wanting peace...we are a strong race jem we should have power! Be leading!”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden scoffs "Power. Power again Elijah. God you are worse than Kyson! Power hungry. It will be your downfall you know" she laughs "You will become too greedy" she warns.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - laughs “oh I know where the limits are jem...but I don't want it for myself unlike kyson...I want it for our rave, for the we no longer have to hide who we are!”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden bursts out laughing "If you have limits why the hell are you teamed up with Kyson" she rolls her eyes "Im saying no Elijah. and Im not going to change my mind" Jem states, stubbornly.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - nods and starts to walk away “shame, that link with Creven and Coran...i've just worked out how to increase the effects on your son.”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden snarls and leaps from where she is stood right at Elijah "Hurt my son or my husband and no one, not even Creven or Kyson will be able to stop me from hunting you down" she snarls in his ear.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - smirks at jem “technically kana is hurting your husband to save himself and knock some sense into him...but Coran is also feeling the effects...would you like to rethink my offer?”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden shakes her head "Ah Elijah, as tempting as it sounds, id rather not be in debt with you. I will deal with them myself" she takes a deep breath, smelling blood not very far away. A few miles away from where she was stood "Creven" she whispers, almost inaudiable as she quickly looks round.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (E) - nods and smirks before disappearing his voice echoing around “good luck with that.”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden growls after him "Good luck living the next time we meet" Jem spins round on her heels and runs off in the direction the smell of blood was coming from.

<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - rolls over wrestling with Creven on the floor trying to get a better ground. Both snapping and barking at each other. Kana pushes Creven off him getting back on his feet.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - gets onto his feet turning around and growling at Kana, blood dripping down his left front leg.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden runs in the direction of the blood, instantly recognising it as Creven’s and hoping he wasn’t to badly hurt. Jem runs for about fifteen minutes until she hears the barking and she stops in her tracks, not quite recognising where she was.

<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - barks at Creven backing slowly away as he limps towards him.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - snarls at Kana, completely unrecognisable from his normal self, his eyes gleaming red.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden walks slowly forward, knowing Kana was with Creven. well Elijah had said so. Jem trips over a tree branch sticking up from the ground and cries out as she hits the floor.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - twitches his ears hearing a noise, Jem he recognised. He watches Creven turn looking in the direction it came from before leaping at him.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - yelps as Kana jumps on him his instincts telling him to find the source of the yelling.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden stands up and brushes herself down, cursing herself for being so clumsy. Jem snaps her head up, hearing the yelp. "Creven" she mutters as she starts walking through the trees.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - barks again "Creven come on snap out of it.". he thinks still holding him in place.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - barks again struggling under Kana before slashing his paws across Kana's face, drawing blood pushing him away.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden curses under her breath, getting tangled on some branches as she passes some dead trees. Jem stands in the shadows and gasps as she takes in the sight in front of her.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - leaps on Kana pinning him to the ground.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden runs forward a few steps, out of the shadow of the tree glancing at Kana "Creven! Stop it!" she half yells, stopping a few meters away from them.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - yelps and snaps at Creven.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - turns around from Kana fixing his eyes on Jem.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden cringes as Kana snaps at Creven before fixing her eyes on her husband "Please Creven" she half pleads hoping she could get through to him
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - jumps back on Creven knocking him over away from Jem.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - yelps again turning his attention back to Kana.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden growls and shakes her head, starting to get really angry, her eyes turning black "Creven! stop it" she yells at him "Please! You're hurting me. and Coran"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - takes his human form pinning Creven down as he also takes his human form "Creven come on!" Kana yells.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - tries to push Kana off him managing to roll them both over leaning over Kana with his hand at his throat "Shut up." he sneers.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden runs up behind Creven and tries to pull him off Kana "Get the hell off him Creven. He’s your friend! Dammit, think of the kids!"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - digs his nails into Creven's hand trying to breath.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - lets go of Kana and turns to face Jem pushing her away from him "Get away from me."
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden gasps as Creven pushes her away and lands on a stone, cutting her hand as she tries to break her fall
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - coughs sitting up rubbing his neck lunging to try to grab Creven's leg.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - kicks Kana away from him taking a step closer to Jem his eyes fixing on the blood dripping from her hand.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden closes her hand trying to stem the blood. Jem looks over at Kana and scoots backwards as she sees Creven’s eyes. Jem whimpers "Please Creven You're scaring me. Stop it" She looks at him, flashing him images of Coran in pain "You are doing this to him. Our son. He’s in pain because you are and I don’t want to lose either of you"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - swears taking a deep breath looking up at Creven "Creven block it...block Elijah...THINK!"
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - bends down in front of Jem not paying attention to any of the images. He reaches out for her hand and takes hold of it running his thumb across the cut.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden glances at Kana, before she reaches out to Creven with her other hand, slowly stroking his cheek "Please Creven, don’t do this. I’m your wife" she whispers "I love you"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - gets onto his hands and knees looking over at Jem and Creven.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - pushes Jem's hand away slapping her with the back of his hand across the right side of her face "Shut up!" he yells at her his eyes still on the blood.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden cries out as Creven’s hand makes contact with her cheek, ignoring the tears forming in her eyes as she tries to snatch her hand back from his.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - blinks not believing what he just saw "Creven! no...."
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - tightens his grip on Jem's hand "Blood." he whispers bringing her hand up to his lips.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden cries out for help "Kana! Please, help him" she closes her eyes whispering "Please Creven don’t do this"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - nods standing up "Creven...Creven please..."
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - closes his eyes running his tongue along the cut before pressing his mouth to the cut.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden squirms "Kana!" she yells before she mutters "Creven, I’m begging you. Please don’t do this" she looks at him, sadness in her eyes as they start to dull back to blue. She turns her head away, whispering "I hate you for this"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - grabs Creven pulling him away from Jem pushing him against a tree an arm across his neck looking directly into his eyes muttering something.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (CV) - squirms under Kana's arm trying to get away before looking back into his eyes.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden snaps her hand away as soon as she feels Creven no longer there. She closes her eyes, unable to look at him as she clutches her hand to her chest, sobbing.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana)- continues to mutter something in the ancient Kitsune language and watches Creven's eyes turn from red to black with his usual violet speckles.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv)- falls down onto the ground leaning back against the tree breathing deeply looking up at Kana then over to Jem " god what have I done." he says his voice breaking.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sniffs as she lifts her head up, hearing Creven’s voice. She wipes her eyes, staring into the forest, her hand still close to her chest, refusing to look at him.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - bends down in front of Creven "I'm currently using a spell to block parts of your mind." he explains.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - nods not paying much attention to kana but more to Jem "I remember everything...I'm so both of you." he says and wipes the back of his hand across his mouth disgusted at the taste of blood in his mouth.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden shakes her head and stands up, turning her back on him "Thanks Kana" she mutters "Now if you excuse me I have to go and see if our son is OK`" she growls, angrily.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (kana) - nods looking at Jem unsure of what to say.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - lowers his gaze to the floor taking deep breaths.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden starts to walks away, the cut on her hand finally stopping bleeding. She turns round slightly glancing between Kana and Creven, her eyes lingering on her husband for longer than she wanted to right now.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - sighs watching Creven.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - looks up briefly making eye contact with Jem, tears falling down his cheeks before quickly darting behind the tree and throwing up.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden blinks and quickly turns back round, walking faster. She needed to go and check Coran was ok
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - watches Jem leave before checking on Creven laying a hand on his friends shoulder.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - crawls out from a bush before laying on his back looking up at Kana "Maybe I should just leave now and never come back...she's not going to want me around the kids after this...I couldn't stop Kana, I tried so much...but couldn't."
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden leans her hand against a tree, feeling lightheaded. Her cheek stung still. She touches it, jumping slightly. Jem sinks to the floor. She could just hear what Kana and Creven were saying. Jem sighs, closing her eyes, listening. Of course she didn’t want him to go, she sniffs, wiping her eyes "Please don’t leave me" she sends him the thought. "You promised."
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - shakes his head "You have to talk to her Creven..."
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - sits up still looking at Kana "How? I...I hit her Kana, do you think she'll let me go near her again?"
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden stares on the direction she had just come from and sighs. Of course she would forgive him and let him come near her again, eventually. She touches her cheek again, staring at the floor.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - sighs running a hand through his hair "I'm taking you back to your"
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - nods before quickly disappearing back into the bushes. Creven returns a few minuets later and slides down a tree "I hate the taste of blood."
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden stands up, sighing and wanders deeper into the forest. She couldn’t go home, not looking like this. It would freak the kids out.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana) - nods and offers Creven a hand "Come on mate...home now."
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - nods and stands up using Kana's hand to help "Home it is."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden runs her hand through her hair as she wanders deeper into the forest, so many thoughts flying through her head.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Kana and Cv) - apparate out back to Calanon castle.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden wanders into a clearing and curses, realising where she was
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Ky) - lifts his head up in his fox form, his golden coat shining in the sun and regards Jem with a quizzical look.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs and sits down under a tree and glances round, her eyes fixing on Kysn and she curses, freezing on the spot "Oh great. Just what I need right now" she mutters under her breath, her hand flying to her pocket, just in case.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Ky) - takes his human form folding his arms "Well this is quite a surprise..."
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden scoffs "Yeah. You're telling me" Jem grumbles, chewing her lip.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Ky) - nods before sitting back down again "Its a pleasure to see you again...I hope you enjoyed your little trip."
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden glares at Kyson, watching his every move "Oh yes, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Oh and thank you for telling everyone. Did you know it would get back to Creven? Oh of course you did. That’s why you did it.” she mutters, sarcastically.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Ky) - nods and smiles "Well actually I was expecting it to take longer...I had written him a letter but then he walked straight into Elijah’s home...I heard what happened." he pauses watching  Jem "You are lucky he didn't turn him." he finishes with a serious and sincere tone.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden smirks "Well id say i can do a job. Although getting called reckless and stupid..." she sighs and stops herself from carrying on. Why was she even taking to him? Like Creven needed another  excuse to hate her.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Ky) - nods "I'm sure Creven wasn't too impressed...although he's been through a lot over the last few days...there’s a reason why he wont let you turn him."
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden mutters under her breath about her not wanting to turn him anyway and he wouldn’t be able to handle it

<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden grumbles and storms to the kitchen, slamming thing about as she makes drinks
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley folds her arms and follows Jem.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs and calms down slightly, not wanting to destroy the kitchen.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley watches Jem biting her bottom lip.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden turns round to get the milk from the fridge "Yes Lea?"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley smiles slightly "Nothing Jem."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs and grumbles to herself as she finishes making drinks and hands a cup to Lea
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley takes a cup from Jem "Thank you...are you going to tell me whats wrong?"
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden shakes her head "Nothing. Im ok. just needed to slam a few things about"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods and sips her tea "Okay..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sips her tea and glances at the clock
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden yawns and takes another sip of tea
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley watches Jem closely.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden blinks and looks at the floor
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley runs a hand through her hair taking another sip of tea "Want to talk about it?"
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden turns to Lea and sighs "no..."
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley walks across to Jem "Please tell me."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs and sits at the table "Nothings wrong"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley raises her eyebrows "In which case the sun won't come up tomorrow..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden stares at Lea "Meaning what exactly?"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley places her cup down "Meaning that something is wrong with you...I know there is Jem."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden stares blankly into her cup and shakes her head
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley sits opposite Jem "Please..its Creven isn't it?"
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs and nods
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley frowns looking properly at Jem before reaching across and tilting her head up "You have a bruise forming across your cheek....what happened?" she asks seriously.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden quickly covers her cheek with her hand and winces slightly "Nothing really. He wasnt himself thats all"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley softly pulls Jem's hand away "What do you mean? he wasnt himself?"
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden closes her hand, covering the cut, muttering "He was different. He scared me"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley glances from her cheek to the cut "This wasn't was Elijah controlling him Jem! thats what vampire venom does to Kitusne."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden glances up at Lea, her bottom lip trembliing.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley sighs standing up and wrapping and arm around Jem "It will pass and he will be back to himself soon."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden bursts into tears, glad the kids arent home
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley hugs Jem rubbing her back "He'll be fine..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden nods "I know Lea, I just wish I could talk to him and make things right again and tell him I dont hate him"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley smiles slightly "I know...and you will be able too."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden wipes her cheek "I told him I hate him Lea. I dont hate him, I could never hate him"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods "He'll understand Jem."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden wraps her hair around a loose bit of hair "I hope so Lea. I dont know what I would do without him" she glances at the door, unsure where he is.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods again sitting back down "Kana will look after him."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden lays her head on her arms "I know. maybe i shoud text Kana" Jem sits up and pulls her phone from her pocket
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley nods and shrugs.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden stares at her phone fore a few minutes before she sends Creven a text instead of Kana I didnt mean to say i hate you. i love you. please come home” she hits send and sets her phone on the table
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley runs a hand through her hair watching Jem closely.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs and glances from the phone to her empty cup
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley picks up Jem's cup and begins to make another cup of tea for her.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden blinks at Lea and stares blankly at her phone
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley -- Jem's phone vibrates a bleeps with a reply from Creven “I love you too, I'm not coming home until I'm back in control, I can't hurt you again.”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden snatches up her phone and reads the message before she breaks down in tears
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley turns around quickly placing the cup on the side and walking over to Jem "What is it?"
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden pushes her phone across the table to Lea
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley picks up jem's phone and reads the message "I've read worse."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sniffles and slides the phone back to herself, trying to think of a reply “Please come back home love, you cant hurt me any more than you have. i know you werent yourself”
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - looks down at his phone before looking back up at Jem's house and sighs before replying “Not yet, I'm too much of a risk. I love you Jem.”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden snatches her fone up and shakes her head at the message "Please. Dont leave me alone Creven" she hits send, watching the screen hit the screensaver, she smiles at the picture of the four of them.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley looks down at her watch before hugging Jem and standing quickly "I'm sorry I have to leave..."
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - sighs sending back another reply “I don't want to...but I'm scared of hurting you again.”
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden nods at Lea "Thanks for being here "
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden stares at her phone “you won’t, i know you wont, I trust you. At least come so we can talk”
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - unlocks the front door and walks through into the kitchen.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden spins round in the chair, staring through tear-filled eyes at her husband "Hi" she half smiles
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - looks blankly at Jem "Hey..."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden chews her lip, blinking a few times not expecting him to be there right now. Jem stands up and takes a few steps toward him.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - holds his ground but looks to the floor.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden tilts her head, watching him for a few minutes before she walks over to him and wraps her arms around him.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - freezes on the spot looking down at Jem.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs and moves her arms from around him, and goes back to sit at the table, wrapping a strand of hair around her finger. Maybe it was too soon to expect a reaction from him.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - sinks down onto the floor his eyes fixed on Jem, mainly the bruise.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden quickly covers the bruise on her cheek with her hand "Its ok Creven. I know it wasn’t you back there" she whispers.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - nods his head tears falling from his eyes before looking down at the floor.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs, watching him, unsure of what to do. She hated seeing him like this. Jem stands back up again and sits next to him on the floor muttering "Its ok honey. Im fine. I dont blame you. Lea told me it was Elijah controlling you" Jem runs her hand through his fringe, letting her hand brush his cheek.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - nods still looking down away from her. Inside Creven blamed himself for not being strong enough to resist Elijah, it scared him, especially when it came to Jem.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden leans her head on him "Come on, at least sit at the table. Its not very comfy down here" she tries to smile
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - closes his eyes after taking one of Jem's hands in his but remains on the floor.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden gently squeezes his hand "Creven, please. If the kids come home and see you like this." Jem sights. She knew Coran would be feeling the same way his dad was right now and she knew Marriah know why Coran was acting the way he was. She was expecting them to be home fairly soon. Jem sighs and squeezes Crevens hand again.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - looks back up at Jem and opens his eyes about to say something before pausing and shaking his head.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden tips Crevens chin up to hers and rests her forehead against his "What were you about to say?"
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - sighs leaning against Jem "I'm sorry." he whispers.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden shakes her head "You dont need to say that to me" she whispers back.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - shakes his head "But I do."
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sighs "Well you have said it now. ok. You dont need to say it again. In fact we don’t need to speak of it again" Jem glances at him.
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - nods taking a deep breath trying not to look at the bruise.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden closes her eyes, leaning her head against him, trying to think of what to say.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden (C) bursts through the front door, followed swiftly by his sister. Coran stops just inside, causing Marriah to crash into him, knocking him down. He glares at her, cursing loudly and pointing to the kitchen. Marriah gasps "Daddy? Hes home?" she questions her brother, her eyes fixed to the kitchen. Coran nods and follows her gaze, unsure of what to do.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - takes another deep breath before suddenly looking up "No the kids..." he whispers.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden sits up quickly "What about the kids" she whispers, looking round and seeing both Coran and Marriah on a heap on the floor, watching them. Jem smiles slightly, pulling her hair over her face, trying to his the bruise. Coran blinks a few times and stands up, grabbing Marriah and taking her upstairs. He knew his sister would be furious if she saw what he just saw on his moms cheek.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - takes a deep breath not releasing it until the kids had gone upstairs "I don't what them to see me like this..."
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden watches Coran and Marriah head upstairs and sighs, laying her head back on Creven "What do you want to do about it? I dont want you to go away again. And i dont want the kids to go either" she murmurs
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) - shakes his head "Its me that has to leave..only for another day...Kana says everything will be fine then...I can't risk losing control around them or you."
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden blinks and looks at the floor, squeezing his hand "One day is like a lifetime" she whispers
<GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) -shakes his head "Not if it means you are safe."
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden runs her hands through his hair, twisting the violet tips of his fringe in between her fingers, sighing "I know. I really do. I just dont like being away from you
when you need me" Jem strokes his cheek, turning his head to hers, trying to smile as she brushes her lips against his "No matter what happen, I love you" she whispers.
 <GRY> Supreme Goddess LeaWeasley (Cv) -kisses her back softly before wrapping his arms around her holding her close kissing her deeply.
 <SLY> Supreme Goddess JemHayden slips her arms around her husband kissing him deepening the kiss and running her hand through his hair .