Tuesday, 24 March 2015
this isnt HL, this is Reign of Darkness.
<ORGNL> HolidayingInTheBayou Hayley scoops up the small girl i nto her arms. The girl was her daughter, Zofia. She was almost 4 now and growing strong. Her fangs had come in and they had been to spend time in the bayou with Hayleys pack after the incident with Zofias dad. But they didnt talk about that. Or him, and Zo had gotten over her nightmares of him coming to take her away from her momma "Momma." the small girl whispered as Hayley stopped at the front door "Momma, where are we?" she asked, peering up through her curls at the unfamiliar house "A long friend of mommas, princess. Momma needs to apologise but this person isnt in." Hayley sighs, taking the key from her pocket, biting her lip lightly as she tries it in the lock. It still fit. The door opened with a small creak and Hayley stepped insode, setting Zo onthe floor. The sleepy child yawned and ruffled her curls, starting to wander through the house "Zo, love. Stay with me please." Hayley called out, wandering into the front room, a grin on her face. Not much had changed. The desk was still in the corner and Hayley headed towards it "Zo,, lovely. Please, just sit on that sofa. Mmma wont be too long. I promise." she sighed as she took a seat, glancing over at Zo with a smile "Im gonna be a good girl momma. I promise." the child stated, almost matter-of-factly. Hayely held back a laugh, keeping a serious face on her as she nodded "That would be most amazing if you could, sweetheart." and returned to the desk, running her hand over it slowly. Hayley started rmoving scrap papers out of the way, finally finding a notebook after almost ten minutes of searching. "Dammit, you need to tidy this desk, Xavi." she murmured under her breath, not quite loud enough for Zofia to hear. Picking up a pen, Hayley paused for a few moments, pondering on what she should write. She had to apologise of course. That was a must. She was sure she had lost him, and if she hadnt, well, she wwas damned lucky. She ran her other hand through her hair, taking a deep breath as she started to write, shiutting herself off fromt he world as she did so; "Dear Xavier." she started, then paused a moment, thinking "I didnt break into the house before you ask. I do still have my key. If you want it back, please just say so but please, for the sake of my sanity, read the rest of this." Glancing over her shoulder, she smiled at Zo who was sat still with a smile on her face in return "See momma. Im a good girl." "Yes you are princess." Hayley blew her child a kiss and returned "Im so sorry. Im sorry like you wouldnt believe. I dont know what came over me with him. I dont think I can apologise for hurting you like I know I did. It hurts me to think about it, But I cant help it. I feel so guilty." with a deep breath, Hayley let a few tear flow down her cheeks, splashing onto the paper "I neve stopped loving you, I hope you know that. I dont want to say I wish I could turn back the clocks, because if I could then I wouldnt have my little miracle, but that will be explained when I see you. I dont want you to find out this way. But I have to end this, as I dont know when you will be home and I dont know what reaction you would give me if you got here while I was still here. I'm sure surprise would be one of them." Hayley chuckled at herself as she wrote "You know how to get hold of me, Xavier, when you are ready to talk." she scribbled out that last line, replacing it with "IF you are ready to talk. Love Hayley." she signed it at the bottom, the y of her name, swirling into a loveheart as it had done for the past ten years and she searched the table for something to put the note on so he would see it, finding nothing off hand. so she ust simply put everything away and left the letter in the middle of the table before she glanced round. Who knew when he would come back. The place was looking like it hadnt been lived in for a while, there was dust on everything. All Hayely could do was hope and pray for the best. Heaving a sigh of relief, she stood up and scooped up Zofia, who had fallen asleep on the sofa, and made her way back out to Diabolous to take the sleeping girl home to her own bed.
Monday, 16 March 2015
Jem and Jessica Shinell
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon kicks about at the sand, grumbling, her arms folded across her chest as she stares across the water. Wind whipped at her hair, but she didnt feel the cold. Letting out a sigh, she rubbed her arms to rid herself of the goose bumps. Suddenly her head turned to look over her shoulder "Get out of here, Jessica." she hissed, her narrowed eyes landing on the blonde vampire who was stood - about ten feet away, a smirk on her face "How about I dont?" she challanged, not moving. Jem hissed and turned fully to face her "How about you do and you get to live?" Jem snapped back. Jessica burst out laughing "Well we both know that isnt going to happen. You havent killed anyone in such a long time. Thats Crevens job. Oh and where is he anyway?" Jem opened her mouth to snap a retort but Jessica held her hand up and continued "I know where he is. Hes doing what you cant. I think..." Jessica grinned, taking a few steps closer to Jem "I think you are too family orientated now. You should give your title up to someone else. Someone like..." "You?" Jem laughed, shaking her head. "Thats not happening. Not in the next million lifetimes." Jessica burst out laughing "You cant. That would mean me killing you. And Creven wouldnt take that lightly. But I would get to see him." she mused, twirling a knife in her hands. Jem held herself back as best she could for a moment, then she saw red. Tauting her about her husband wasnt a good thing for anyone to do. Seeing red, Jem flew at Jessica, hands wrapping round her neck tightly "You...dont...ever...get...to...speak..his. ..name..." she hissed in the womans ear. "I dont care who you are, I am the Queen, you listen when I speak." Jessica gasped for breath, keeping hold of the knife, twisting her arm and stabbing it deep into Jems side. Ignoring the pain, Jems grip increased for a few minutes before she let the woman go, doubling over, wincing "You vile piece of work. You better run." Jem narrowed her eyes again "Soon as this is healed, I will be coming after you. And I dont care what Creven says if when you run off to tell him. This time Im going to kill oyu woth my bare hands." "Sure, Jem. Sure. Im going to get someone to kill you..." she didnt have time to finish her sentance before Jems were round her neck once more, this time dragging her to the waters edge "See this? How about I dont kill you with my hands, as much as I would love to." she taunts the gasping woman. who shakes her head, wide eyed and panicking "You wouldnt...Creven..." "He'd thank me. Eventually. You may have been his first love, Jessica Shinell. But I will be his last, I can promise you that." Jessicas eyes glass over, her face pales and she stops breathing. Jem, smug, grins at the unconscious body, removing her hands from the other vampires neck and letting the body drop onto the sand with a sickening thud, kicking her in the side of the head. When the woman remains still, Jem huffs slightly "Well, I was expecting more of a fight." she grumbles as she reaches for a handful of the womans hair to drag her into the water, muttering under her breath about having warned her. "Little bitch knows not to piss me off about my husband. And now she suffered the consequences." Jem heaved the womans body into the water until she was up to her waist where she let go, and watches the calm cold water take her deeper until she had disappeared from Jems vision towards the horizon. Who knew where she was going to end up. The further the better as far as she was concerned. Retracing her steps out of the water, Jem heads back up to the house where sher had been staying while Creven was away. This place was her happy place, she didnt need a poor excuse of a vampire to ruin that.
Sunday, 1 March 2015
Marriah, Anik and Bexley (March 1st 2015)
<RAV> Firstyeargirl Bexley || The sun was low in the sky, clearly the day was drawing to an end, but the little kitten wanted to play. Her daddy had been shut up in his study when she had last gone through the castle halls, exploring. So... Bexley just found the front door and she left. The forest had been lovely, but sort of scary. And now? She only knew she was at the park because the familiar swings and the playground was right in front of her. She had been dressed by her father earlier in the day, and all she had to put on were her mittens, her coat and her hat. Though, looking at her, one would not be able to tell that the little girl was a princess. She wore a pair of male overalls, with a faded purple dress-shirt, little black boots with purple lacing. Her jacket matched her shirt in the same faded color. Though, she had refused to put on a hat, she had her cat-ear hat in one hand. Her little fingers were curled into the fabric. She crooned to herself as she made her way over the mushy remains of what used to be fluffy white snow, but was now brown and icky slush. She was heading for the swingset, her small hands stretching upward to cling to the chains that held the swing to the set. She was reaching for one of the bigger swings, though. She was determined she could herself up there! Her fingers slipped between the links of the chains, her ears pinning against her head as she tried to pull her fingers out of the chains - only to find them stuck in place. The little girl began to squall, jerking her hand roughly. She continued to jerk her hand, growing frantic as nothing proved to help free her little fingers or stop the pain. When her fingers finally did come free of the chain link, chaffed and bruised, the little girl was crying. As her fingers had come from the links with enough force to cause her to stumble backwards a few steps, the child took that opportunity to run way from the swings. They were evil meanies! She puffed her cheeks as she stomped through the mush, hat in one hand, toward the slide! She climbed the ladder and sat at the top of the slide, staring down it, those dark eyes wide. It was so high! Bexley giggled, and she pushed herself to her feet so that she was actually standing atop the slide, arms out to either side as she swayed. She clapped her hands sharply, wincing at the pain. She bounced, giggling as the metal of the slide creaked beneath her. She was daring this thing to hurt her - this slick piece of metal. Bexley suddenly let herself fall forward, catching herself with her hands; but not before her chin made contact with the metal, which moved beneath her due to her own body moving down the slide. She whined at the heated friction between her chin and the playground equipment. She rubbed her chin furiously as she toppled off the end of the slide to sit on the ground, just splayed in any which way, depending on the manner that the slide had deposited her. By this point, the sun had lowered completely from the sky. She tilted her head sharply, huffing to herself. It was dark and now she didn't know how to get home! She brought her fingers to her mouth, chewing anxiously as she whined a muffled whimper. The little girl stamped her feet in the gravel, before she started off in a random direction - determined to figure out where home was. She left the playground behind her, tugging her hat on over her ears and her hair, blowing a puff of air from her lips as she went. The night just kept getting darker, darker, and darker still... The dark was one of the things the little child had an irrational fear of, but what she feared worse than the dark was not getting home to her daddy.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess MarriahC wanders through the castles front door, into the almost darkness, the main light coming from the street lightly that had just flickered on. Marriah frowned. She had lost Bex! She couldnt let Anik find out she had gone missing. Cursing under her breath, she tapped into her vampire side, shaking her head. No scent of blood, so the girl wasnt harmed. That was a good thing. She didnt want to be having to explain that to him. Wrapping her arms roundh erself, Marr headed out into the street, glancing left, then right a few times before she mentally slapped herself. The playground! Of course. She had heard Bex a few times, thinking about it. How she wanted to be a big girl on the big swings. Marriah broke into a run as it slowly grew darker "Bex! Bex? Where are you, sweetheart?" she called out as she burst through the gate to the empty park. She was about to head back out, as she didnt see anything, until a scent hit her. "Bex?" she whispered, running to the swings, cursing out louder than she really should have. She reached the smaller swings, noting they were still before she glanced over at the bigger swings, which were moving in an odd way. Not as if someone had been in them, but as if someone had tried to get in them and fallen out. A quick scour of the floor showed her, yet again, no blood. So far so good Bex wasnt hurt. But it was getting darker, faster. Marriah panicked, her eyes narrowing in the dark as she aimlessly wanders the park, worried. Stopping at the slide, she hissed. There was the scent of blood. Not too strong, but strong enought to let Marriah know they girl was hurt. She let out a small whimper, rubbing at her arms. It was cold, wet and dark. the poor child would no doubt be terrified, cold and scared. Not good for a four year old. She runs out of the park, the scent of the blood picked up weakly "Bex! Bex!" she yelled. Please be alright, - she kept running through her head as she ran, the scent getting stronger. Why wasnt she shouting back? "Bex! Bex, honey, its Marriah! Where are you?"
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