Marriah, Anik and Bexley (March 1st 2015)
<RAV> Firstyeargirl Bexley || The sun was low in the sky, clearly the day was drawing to an end, but the little kitten wanted to play. Her daddy had been shut up in his study when she had last gone through the castle halls, exploring. So... Bexley just found the front door and she left. The forest had been lovely, but sort of scary. And now? She only knew she was at the park because the familiar swings and the playground was right in front of her. She had been dressed by her father earlier in the day, and all she had to put on were her mittens, her coat and her hat. Though, looking at her, one would not be able to tell that the little girl was a princess. She wore a pair of male overalls, with a faded purple dress-shirt, little black boots with purple lacing. Her jacket matched her shirt in the same faded color. Though, she had refused to put on a hat, she had her cat-ear hat in one hand. Her little fingers were curled into the fabric. She crooned to herself as she made her way over the mushy remains of what used to be fluffy white snow, but was now brown and icky slush. She was heading for the swingset, her small hands stretching upward to cling to the chains that held the swing to the set. She was reaching for one of the bigger swings, though. She was determined she could herself up there! Her fingers slipped between the links of the chains, her ears pinning against her head as she tried to pull her fingers out of the chains - only to find them stuck in place. The little girl began to squall, jerking her hand roughly. She continued to jerk her hand, growing frantic as nothing proved to help free her little fingers or stop the pain. When her fingers finally did come free of the chain link, chaffed and bruised, the little girl was crying. As her fingers had come from the links with enough force to cause her to stumble backwards a few steps, the child took that opportunity to run way from the swings. They were evil meanies! She puffed her cheeks as she stomped through the mush, hat in one hand, toward the slide! She climbed the ladder and sat at the top of the slide, staring down it, those dark eyes wide. It was so high! Bexley giggled, and she pushed herself to her feet so that she was actually standing atop the slide, arms out to either side as she swayed. She clapped her hands sharply, wincing at the pain. She bounced, giggling as the metal of the slide creaked beneath her. She was daring this thing to hurt her - this slick piece of metal. Bexley suddenly let herself fall forward, catching herself with her hands; but not before her chin made contact with the metal, which moved beneath her due to her own body moving down the slide. She whined at the heated friction between her chin and the playground equipment. She rubbed her chin furiously as she toppled off the end of the slide to sit on the ground, just splayed in any which way, depending on the manner that the slide had deposited her. By this point, the sun had lowered completely from the sky. She tilted her head sharply, huffing to herself. It was dark and now she didn't know how to get home! She brought her fingers to her mouth, chewing anxiously as she whined a muffled whimper. The little girl stamped her feet in the gravel, before she started off in a random direction - determined to figure out where home was. She left the playground behind her, tugging her hat on over her ears and her hair, blowing a puff of air from her lips as she went. The night just kept getting darker, darker, and darker still... The dark was one of the things the little child had an irrational fear of, but what she feared worse than the dark was not getting home to her daddy.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess MarriahC wanders through the castles front door, into the almost darkness, the main light coming from the street lightly that had just flickered on. Marriah frowned. She had lost Bex! She couldnt let Anik find out she had gone missing. Cursing under her breath, she tapped into her vampire side, shaking her head. No scent of blood, so the girl wasnt harmed. That was a good thing. She didnt want to be having to explain that to him. Wrapping her arms roundh erself, Marr headed out into the street, glancing left, then right a few times before she mentally slapped herself. The playground! Of course. She had heard Bex a few times, thinking about it. How she wanted to be a big girl on the big swings. Marriah broke into a run as it slowly grew darker "Bex! Bex? Where are you, sweetheart?" she called out as she burst through the gate to the empty park. She was about to head back out, as she didnt see anything, until a scent hit her. "Bex?" she whispered, running to the swings, cursing out louder than she really should have. She reached the smaller swings, noting they were still before she glanced over at the bigger swings, which were moving in an odd way. Not as if someone had been in them, but as if someone had tried to get in them and fallen out. A quick scour of the floor showed her, yet again, no blood. So far so good Bex wasnt hurt. But it was getting darker, faster. Marriah panicked, her eyes narrowing in the dark as she aimlessly wanders the park, worried. Stopping at the slide, she hissed. There was the scent of blood. Not too strong, but strong enought to let Marriah know they girl was hurt. She let out a small whimper, rubbing at her arms. It was cold, wet and dark. the poor child would no doubt be terrified, cold and scared. Not good for a four year old. She runs out of the park, the scent of the blood picked up weakly "Bex! Bex!" she yelled. Please be alright, - she kept running through her head as she ran, the scent getting stronger. Why wasnt she shouting back? "Bex! Bex, honey, its Marriah! Where are you?"
<RAV> Firstyeargirl Bexley had become frightened, moreso than she had originally been when she had realized she was lost. The little girl was running through the woods, tears sliding down her face. Those tears only grew when she heard the odd echo of a voice in the wind - shouting her name. Did the evil spirits know her name?! She whimpered behind her hands, she could taste the iron from her blood against the fingers of one hand; the one that was bruised black and blue, with little blisters that were popping as she muffled her whimpers. She tripped and went flying to the ground. She was too focused on trying to get away from the spirits, to not let them hear her, that she didn't try to protect herself as she fell. One little foot had gotten caught on an old root, and had a slight cut across it, the shoe of that foot was left beneath the root as she clambered to her feet to take off again. She was convinced evil things were going to get her - she'd not yet realized that the voice, though distorted by the echo of the forest, was her new friend; or perhaps a better term was, her new mama. Either way, the little girl continued to run - she was getting further and further from the house, and from Marriah.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess MarriahC hears the patter of feet in the distance. Her father had shown her how to pick up on sounds when searching for someone. "Bex! Belxley!" she yelled as she headed into the forest, following her, frustrated. why didnt she stop. Marriah kicked a tree root, almost crashing to the floor. "Dammit!" she rubbed her foot, picking up what she had tripped over. Bex's shoe! She was near! Jumping up, Marr gingerly put weight on her foot. It was ok, not broken, maybe sprained, but she could manage with that for now. Wincing, she made her way after the sound of the small child "Bexley, sweetheart. Please dont go any further. I want to take you home. Back to your papa. Its dark and cold and you will get ill. Please stop running. Tell me where you are!" she called out as she ran "We can have hot chocolate and you can have a nice warm bath and we can play with your dollies!" Marr was frustrated now. She knew she was close to the girl. She just hoped she could be heard "Bex, please!" she called one last time, before she stopped to listen, straining through the wind for a voice.
<RAV> Firstyeargirl Bexley cried out, shrieking angrily into the wind, "Stop it! Bex don' wanna list' to bad spit!" She puffed her cheeks out as she ran onwards, instead of listening to the 'spirits'. The child was cold, her little nose was running like a leaky faucet, and her feet were bare now - as she had discarded her second shoe somewhere along the way, with her hat. She had twigs snaggled into her messy curls, her eyes were rimmed with red as they leaked tears of frustration and fear. How did that spirit know she liked chocolates and dollies and warm baths?! She didn't understand how the forest knew about her! As she hunkered down beside an old, hollow log, the little girl shivered and mumbled, "Bex want daddy..." Why couldn't she find their home herself? She sniffled loudly, rubbing her eyes furiously - to the point that if she kept rubbing at that rate, her eyes may be raw the next morning. She was upset, cold, frightened - she was not a happy kitty.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess MarriahC growls in frustration, not able to hear a thing through the wind. She needed to concentrate but she couldnt; she was too worried. She raised an eyebrow as a thought hit her... could she? She wondered. It was worth a try and she took her Kitsune form; tan with violet ears and tail, the same as her hair. She sniffed round the ground for a moment and picked up the girls scent. "Bex Its Marriah. Sweetheart, where are you? I have come to take you home. To papa." she whined as she sent her thoughts to the girl "But you have to talk to me so I can find you." she finished, picking up the second she in her mouth as she passed it. The poor girl. She would be almost frozen. Anik was going to be so cross with her for letting her out of her sighs. Peering her head round the corner of an old hollowed log, perfect for shelter, Marr saw her! Finally. She padded over to her, nudging her with her nose and wrapping both of her tails round her. "Bex? Its Marriah."
<RAV> Firstyeargirl Bexley stared at the kitty - at least, that is what Bexley would call this form, insist it was. "K-kitty!" She squealed quietly, sneezing as she leaned to curl her arms around the cat's neck. When she heard the voice in her head state her new friend's name, she tilted her head and stared. The girl, she simply stared at the cat. It was called Ma too? Her eyes widened, and those little, albeit dirty and injured - hands clasped against her mouth in shock! She'd have to tell the woman next time she saw her! "Kitty takin' Bex home? Kitty safe? Not evil spit?" She demanded, eyeing her suspiciously. Bexley still had a lot to learn about what she was - but for the time being, she was fascinated enough with just her ears.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess MarriahC nudges and nuzzled against the small child, dropping the shoe from her mouth with a huff. Nodding a few times "Time to take you home to papa, dollies, hot bath and hot chocolate," she sends the thought to the shivering girl "Its me. Its Ma. Im not an evil spirit. Im here to take you home, little princess."she made a noise like a purr in the back of her throat as she licked at the girls face "But you are never to go out alone again. Your papa is going to be cross with Ma for a while. But he will be glad you are safe." she stands up, shaking herselh "Climb onto my back and we can go home."
<RAV> Firstyeargirl Bexley clambered onto the cat's back, not even thinking about it. She'd snuggle down there, huffing quietly. "My ma. Daddy can't be mad at Bex' ma." She stated, clinging tightly to her as she waited to be taken home. She wanted that warm bath.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess MarriahC let out a small laughing sound, shaking her head "Dont worry, little lady. Papa wont be mad at you. He will be mad at me." she sighs, hanging her head as she sped through the forest to the main road, keeping to the shadows before heading to the front door, and slipping through.
<RAV> Beastmaster AniketosZenko paces back and forth in front of the front door. His hands clasped behind his back as he mutters darkly to himself. Stopping occasionally to stare at the door, his eyes narrowed he had asked her one simple thing, one! How hard was it to entertain a five year old child? Shaking his head he returns to his pacing. His curls looked wild and unkempt. His cheeks flushed with color from the anger boiling within. He loved Marriah but he swore that if even a curl was out of place on his daughters heard there would be serious hell to pay. He walks to the window to watch outside. The sun had long since set and it was freezing and foggy outside. He cursed loudly. Last he seen his daughter she wasn't dressed for weather such as this. Growling he sits in a chair. leaning forward and clutching his head in his hands, he was at a complete loss as to what he should do. All he could do is sit and wait.
<RAV> Firstyeargirl Bexley ||When Marriah walked through the door, Bexley tumbled off of her back to run to her father, shivering. She'd climb up into his lap, hunkering down as she continued to shiver. "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy." She coughed against his chest, whining softly as she rubbed her eyes, clapping her hands at her father. She didn't know if he was mad, and if he was, she'd not understand why. "I heared evil spits, daddy. They even know my name!" She was staring at her father, patting his head as she coughed. "I tried to swing." She whined, holding her hands up. She shook some of the twigs out of her hair, sniffling softly to herself. She twisted around to peer at Ma, giggling lightly as she waved at her, forgetting what she was supposed to be telling her father.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess MarriahC watched Bex run to her father, breathing a sigh of relief as she shut the door. Making her way to the kitchen, she started making the child the hot chcoolate she had promised her. Marr winced slightly, hearing the small girl coughing, hanging her head. All she had to do was watch her for a while and she couldnt even do that! She was a terrible person. Shivering, she wrapped her arms round herself, glancing over her shoulder, smiling slightly as Bex waved, she sank into a chair, her head in her hands
<RAV> Beastmaster AniketosZenko grins as he wraps his daughter in his arms, holding her tightly and sighing with relief as he begins pulling twigs from her hair. His grin slowly turning to a scowl as he listens to her talk. He grinds his teeth as she shows him her hands. His eyes darting over to Marriah and narrowing before he took his daughters hands and kisses every finger with a tender kiss. Clearing his throat he stands with Bex in his arms. Scared he would lash his anger out at Bex he decides not to say anything to her, his eyes in Marriah as he snaps his fingers, a house elf appearing at his knee and staring silently up at him waiting for his command. Setting Bex down he glances at her before looking back at Marriah. "Elf, take the Princess upstairs. Have her bathed and clothed. When she is done come fetch me so I can put her to bed." bending down he kisses his daughters head. His eyes still on Marriah.
<RAV> Firstyeargirl Bexley stared upward when her father called the elf. The little girl huffed, "Daddy no be mad at mama." She scrunched her nose as she twisted to wave at her again before the elf grabbed her up. The elf was gentle enough, but quite frantic to obey its masters orders - and soon Bexley was taken upstairs and new clothes were laid out for her while she splashed around in the tub.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess MarriahC took a chance and glanced up, regretting it right away, as she caughs Aniks dark look right at her. She shuddered, tearing her eyes away from him. She deserved it and more. With a murmur under her breath, she scraped the chair backwards slowly and stood up, taking a few steps towards him. A shaky hand ran through her tangled mess of hair "Anik..." she started, biting her lip, returning her gaze to him slowly "I took her eyes off her for two minutes. Two minutes. Im so sorry." she shuffled slightly awkwardly under his stare, a painful look on her face as if she knew what he was going to say "I found her. Shes home. But I shouldnt have let her get out in the first place." a shiver ran through her, and she sneezed a few times, her eyes threatining to spill down her cheeks.
<RAV> Beastmaster AniketosZenko sighs, his hand running through his hair and over the back of his neck. He looks at her again. Shaking his head in disappointment. "I gave you one thing to do, Marriah. One! How hard is it to watch a single child? A five year old at that? Now you bring her home all bumped and bruised up?! I have the undesirable urge to knock you across this room. But I will not because you're a woman and I love you. I however have other plans for you tonight.. You can sleep in the guestroom. He turns on his heels, pacing past her, his jaw set in a scowl. He stops and turns. His face softening cause he knew she was sorry. He opens his mouth to say something then closes it again. Standing there he stares at her. Running his thoughts over in his head. Not wanting to say anything else hurtful.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess MarriahC cringes slightly, opening her mouth slightly. She snorts "You wouldnt knock me across the room." she mutters, rubbing her arms with a heavy sigh, looking at the floor, her shouldersshaking at his words "I said Im sorry."` she whispers as he walks past her. Taking a deep breath, she lifts her head up and starts towards the stairs "Bex's hot chocolate is there. I best go get my things and put them in the guest room, hadn't I." she snaps at him, storming up the stairs.
<RAV> Beastmaster AniketosZenko raises an eyebrow. His eyes following her. He clears his throat to get her attention. His hands shoving into his pockets as he frowns. "Marriah.." he calls after her. His eyes on the floor as he kicks his foot against it, his teeth catching his lip. Glancing back up at her he rubs the back of his neck, his eyes not quite meeting hers as his cheeks flush a lovely pink. He hated to admit to her but he didn't want her to sleep in the other room. He wanted her in his bed.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess MarriahC stood at the top of the stairs,taking a few deep breaths and wiping her cheeks. Thank the Gods she hadnt broken down infront of him. Plastering on a small smile, she makes her way to the bathroom and pushes the door open "Come on little princess. Time to get out and get into bed." she held the towel out and scooped the girl out the bath and got her ready for bed "Story, Ma?" the small girl questions. Marriah seemed to be in a worl of her own but nodded "Sure sweetheart. Story. You go pick one out, and I will be there in a few moments." Marr watched the girl skip out of the bathroom, all the nights adventures seemingly left her mind. With a chuckle, she quickly cleaned the bathroom up, wishing it was that easy. Humming lightly, Marr made her way to Bex's room, the child was already in bed, yawning, book in hand "This one!" she beamed then her face changed, a confused look on her face "Papa? Is he cross, Ma?" the girl looked sad and Marr kissed the top of her head "Hey, dont you worry about things." she smiled and sat on the edge of the bed and started reading Peter Pan to the yawning girl.
<RAV> Beastmaster AniketosZenko sighs as he walked up the stairs. His mind elsewhere as he steps onto the landing. He let himself be guided by instinct alone to his daughters room. He leans against the door frame. His eyes on the woman he planned to make his wife someday. He thought about the proposal he had all planned out. A night under the stars. A place where they both felt at home. Sighing he comes into the room. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he places his hand on Marriahs leg, smiling as he listened to her read to Bex.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess MarriahC smiles as the child, now sleeping soundly after only a few pages. Marr watches her for a few minutes, jumping slightly as Aniks lays his hand on her leg. She stares blankly at the wall, before leaning to kiss Bex on the cheek and pushes his hand off her and walking from the room without a word to him. She didnt want another argument, or even the continuation of the one they just had. Glancing over her shoulder into Bex's rom, she sighs and walks into to the guestroom, closing the door behind her and sinking to the floor, finally breaking down into tears.
<RAV> Beastmaster AniketosZenko - he stands up running a hand through his hair. he walks over into the corner, sliding into tje shadows and appearing on the other side in the guest room. He looks around for Marriah his eyes landing on her as his mouth falls open. He walks over to her, falling to his knees in front of her, helpless on how to make it better. He never had to deal with a crying woman before. A five year old girl was one thing but not a grown woman. He frowns, not daring to touch her. "Mar.. Please.. what can I do.."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess MarriahC lifts her head up, wiping her eyes to try and get rid of the tears that were flowing. She stared at Anik, blinking a few times as he knelt infront of her "Please... dont frown at me. I deseve to be in here." she murmurs, her lips barely moving "No amount of apologising can make up for what happened. But I am sorry." she shakes her head, wrapping the ends of her hair round a finger, looking away from him, unable to get away from the dark look he had given her before. She shuddered, bringing her knees up to rest her chin on " Im truly sorry." she whispered, biting on her lip.
<RAV> Beastmaster AniketosZenko frowns, his face full of concern as he pulls her into his lap, he softly kisses away her tears, his hands sliding slowly over her back as he holds her close to him, his face nuzzling against her neck. "No Mar. I over reacted. I should have warned you. She is just like me and bound to wander off. It isn't your fault my love." sighing he looks at her. Taking her face carefully in his hands as he smiles, his thumbs sliding over her cheeks, looking into her eyes. "You are so good with Bex. I should have been more forgiving and I'm sorry "I wasn't. You don't deserve that."
<SLY> Supreme Goddess MarriahC closes her eyes, slipping her arms round him as he kissed away her tears. She sighs, shakily, resting her head on his shoulder "You didnt overreact at all. I should have called you." she murmurs, nuzzling his neck "I love that girl like she is my own. I would never have let anything happen to her on purpose." she smles back at him slightly, relaxing a little "I suppose I had better make this bed up."
<RAV> Beastmaster AniketosZenko snorts, scooping her up. He shakes his head, he reaches out and opens the door. Walking down the hall he kicks open the door to his room. Smiling down at her as he chuckles he drops he down onto the bed with a soft laugh. "No. You will stay here." cursing under his breath before clicking his tongue and letting out a soft groan of frustrations. He turns to look at her, biting his lip slightly. "We forgot to give Bex her hot chocolate." he mumbles under his breath. He knew the child would be waking soon for it.
<SLY> Supreme Goddess MarriahC squeals slightly, keeping her head buries in his neck, she finds herself on the familiar bed. She sighs, shaking her head "It will be cold chocolate by now." she chuckles, before she yawns, before stretching "I will make her some more if she wakes up." she smiled a little as she crawled under the covers, fully dressed, fighting to keep her eyes open. She was exhausted. Tonight had tired her out. She hated arguing with him "Come to bed." she murmured, unable to fight sleep any longer.
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