<RAV> God CrevenCalanon yawns slightly walking through the door before letting it shut behind himself. Creven walks through the hallway before stopping and taking a few steps back looking at Jem sat at the bottom of the stairs. "You know we do have a lounge...much more comfey." he states with a smile before bending down and softly kissing her cheek.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon lowers her cup with a chuckle as she watches him, waiting for him to take a seat "I know we do, I like to sit here to think though. Nice calming white." she murmurs, laying her head on his shoulder with a small smile "Welcome home.."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon slides next to her on the step "You find white calming?" he comments before resisiting the urge to shrug. "What are you thinking about then?
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon glances up at him with a nod "I do. Its pure and neutral." she raises an eyebrow "Why do you think my office is white."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods and smiles "True, mine is kinda the complete oposite, mainly covered in bookshelves..." he comments smiling down at her"And again, what are you thinking about?"
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon lets out a small sigh, rolling her shoulders a little "Zeri." she murmurs. Just a one word answer which would probably create questions.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods sharply "Yeah, we need to talk about her..."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon chews her lip slightly, not moving her head, knowing the reaction he would give would be harsh looks and stern words"YEs... yes we do.."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods again watching her "She's not human...when Jem...whos?" he asks quickly.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon glances up at him, ready for the yelling to start "Shes...ours..." she whispers.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon blinks before standing up quickly "What?" he states, a frown forming on his face "How? I don't understand?"
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon jumps, moving up a few steps and shaking her head "I dont.. I dont understand either. I dont remember things so well lately.." she murmurs, her voice shaky.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon shakes his head again "No you have to remember...I." he stops the frown growing "She can't be mine and be human."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon runs her hands through her hair, shaking her head a few more times "You dont think I know that!" she half yells at him"She cant be mine and be human, but she is! Have you taken a look at her? Properly I mean." she calms herself, lowering her voice back to normal "She my double, Creven. And I dont understand it."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon sighs slightly "Not yet, I was a little shocked if I'm honest!" he states folding his arms "And please do not yell, its been a long day."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon nods a few times "I have been all over the place the past few weeks, trying to figure out what the hell has been going on." she explains, still not looking up at him.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods and starts pacing in front of her "And have you? worked any of it out?" he asks again quickly.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon sighs slightly, moving her head to follow his feet "The only conclusion I came up with is that it must have happened before I became a vampire." Jem scratches her head, a look on her face of confusion.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon stops pacing and sighs "But that doesn't make sense...shes so young." Creven replies running a hand through his hair. This was all he needed right now, something else just to add to the chaos and current compliactions of life, if Queran walking back in wasn't enough with all his secerets and plans there was now even more.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon drums her fingers on her thigh a few moments, leaning her head on the wall with a sigh "Now you see what I have to deal with when you go away." she tries to smile a little.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon raises his eyebrows "Of course, its all my fault for going away and not being here.! he sighs and unfolds his arm with a shrug"Don't we know anyone who can work it out?"
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon shakes her head as she looks up at him "Its not your fault at all. Thats not what I meant." she rolls her shoulders slightly "Meg is the only one I would trust, but I cant get hold of her.”
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods "I know, shes up to something with Queran...or at least hes up to something and has dragged her into his web of lies too."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon rolls her eyes slightly "Is there anyone he wont try and corrupt?" she snaps slightly before standing up, stretching a little.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon shrugs and shakes his head "I don't know, Lea is acting odd too," Creven sighs again "You really can't remember anything about Zeri?"
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon sets her empty cup on the step as she listens to him before walking down the few bottom steps and over to him, wrapping her arms round his waist with a sigh "Not a thing. And I have been trying for weeks."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods before shaking his head again "It doesn't make any sense Jem...none at all."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon nods a few times "I know, Creven. Believe me, I know. But thats the only thing I can come up with." she runs her hand down his cheek "Can you look through my mind that far back?"
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon blinks and smiles slightly "Why didn't I think of that?" he comments before nodding "Of course...no dark secerts or anything else your keeping in there right? he jokes.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon shakes her head before she presses her lips against his "No, love." she murmured, knowing most of her memories and thoughts were about him.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon softly kisses her back before nodding "Lets go to the lounge, you may want to sit down for this..."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon slips her hand into his "As long as I can sit on your knee." she grins, walking to the lounge.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon laughs following "Well actually its probably better if you just sit next to me..."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon glances at him over her shoulder with a small pout before throwing herself down on the sofa "Whatever works.."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon rolls his eyes slightly "Its just easier for me."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon lets out a laugh, nodding as she pats the seat next to her "Sit then. Lets get it done and then theres a bottle of your favourite in the kitchen."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon smiles and nods sitting down next to her, taking her hand. "Just relax and open your mind." he replies before closing his eyes, starting her search through her memories.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon nods a few times, relaxing with a smile and giving his hand a small squeeze, letting her mind open slowly.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon breaths deeply, this was something he hadn't done for a while, but the process did have the same feeling as slipping on a pair of familar slippers. Afterall this was what he was trained to do when he was younger. Creven keeps his own mind focused, looking only for something family, Zeris name, the colour of her eyes.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon whimpers a lightly, shuddering as a sense of coldness ran down her spine.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon grips Jem's hand tighter sensing a change in her feelings. Creven shakes his head and sighs "How far back does she go..." he comments, still looking for things directly relating to Zeri, filtering out anything else to get straight to her.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon tries to steady her breathing, gripping his hand tight "Back when I was human." she murmurs, her voice sounding far away.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods continuing his search "Its even further than that though, I have something." he replies quickly, "Its a tad hazy but there..."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon shuffles slighty, tigtening her grip on his hands "What is it?"
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon shakes his head slightly "Its before Coran, well...started with his birth and the faintest memory of something similar..."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon feels her eyes fill up then tears roll down her cheeks. She sobs silently, just nodding.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon frowns slightly "Wow...I can see it...Hang on a sec." he replies and manages to bring the first of a few memories to the front of Jem's mind, playing them seeminly in front of her eyes. the first being results of a pregancy test, when they were both much younger, the decision not to tell anyone for a time. Then skipping straight over to something else, a younger Jem looking down into the bright eyes of a small child, a shadow of a taller figure over her shoulder.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon breathes in sharply, gasping to catch her breath "No...no.." she shakes her head and tries to break her hands free from his.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon lets go of Jem's hand keeping the image of the memory in his mind for a little longer, searching the shadow, trying to find anything which could give away the possible identity.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon keeps her eyes closed, bringing her hands up to her face and bursts into tears.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon swears under his breath before opening his eyes and wraps his arms around Jem.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon buries her face in his shirt and shakes her head "Coran..." she sobs, wrapping her arms round Creven.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods before leaning back "Hang on, out of all of that, thats the bit which got to you the most? did you see the rest?"
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon wipes her cheeks, sniffling a little as she nods "Of course thats the bit that got to me. You said his name for the first time in a long time." she glances up at him "I saw a few bits."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods wiping away a few stray tears "Another child, that shadow, theres something familar about it."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon smiles a little at him. It made her a little happier to hear him mention Corans name after so long and what happened."I saw the shadow, but I didnt recognise who it was." she frowns --
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon -- a little, confused "Why cant I remember?"
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon shakes his head "I'm not sure, there doesn't appear to be a memory block or anything, its like you've wanted to forget, so have."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon shakes her head, leaning against him "Why would I want to forget her?2 she didnt understand.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon shakes his head again "I have no idea."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon heaves a heavy sigh, her body slumping as she yawns "Thats just knocked me for six." she murmurs.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods slowly. "She is mine though...our first night together..."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon lets out a shaky breath, slipping her hand into his and giving it a light squeeze "I dont really remember that night either..."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon laughs and smiles before frowning quickly "That shadow, I've just fully worked it out...the perfume gave it away, and yes I managed to get that from something you can't even remember." he --
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon -- still frowning, "I just, I don't understand why..."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon leans up to kiss his cheek but pulls away before she does, a frown on her face "What perfume? Who was it?" she hisses, a demanding tone to her voice, something she hadnt usd when talking to him before.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon stands up and walks across the room rubbing his forehead, replaying the memory, he had to be wrong. Creven stops and looks back over to Jem "Lea..."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon watches him walk across the room, a frown on her face before she shakes her head "No way in hell! Why would you think that? Shes your sister, she wouldnt!"
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods "Jem I know, but it was her...I just, don't understand why."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon keeps shaking her head before she stands up "You need to be sure, Creven. Please." she makes her way over to him"Creven, please. Before I go and find her and ask what the hell she was thinking of!"
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon looks down to the floor "I know it was her Jem, I can sometimes see peoples auras in memories, Leas is clearer than anyones I know."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon paces the front room, at a loss of what to do. One one hand, she wanted to go out right now and hnt Lea down to find out what was going on, on the other hand, she was thinking maybe she should leave it to Creven to deal with. Then there was the third hand; she was hungry for something frest. Maybe thats why she wasnt thinking straight.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon watches Jem before wrapping his arms around her "Would you have asked her to do something like this? hide the child perhaps?"
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon curls her lip up into a snarl "Are you really asking if I would have asked your sister to hide the fact we had a child before Coran?" she snaps, her eyes blood red "Because surely you of all people, should know how ridicuous that souds, right? Did you even sense anything from me when you were diggng about in my memories?" she keeps her eyes on him "Could you not tell --
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon -- how much I love you! Have I ever kept anything like this from you before?"
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon shrugs "Well I don't know then, but this is Lea, shes always the good one isn't she, she always has been..." Creven starts and pauses slightly.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon lets out a snort, roolling her eyes "Well maybe now, but I cant tellyou what she was like back then, can I?" she narrows her eyes slightly "Always has been what, Creven?"
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon looks over to Jem "Well you've just said it yourself, we both didn't know her that well back then, when we first met I only started to get to know Lea again. I've heard rumors about her and Queran, one is supposed to be light and the other dark, good and evil, but what if actually its mixes, every now and then switches around, so there is always the balance but its split between them. Lea has been a bit awol these last few months, delving into deep magic...my god...how do you think she originally met Dorian and Elijah."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon keeps her eyes on Creven, still narrowed. As he spoke, she relaxed a little, her eyes still staying red though. She though about how long it had been since she had fed. Three, four days maybe. She focussed her attention on him as he explained a few things, nodding when she understood "Oh I think Ihave a small feeling it does mix. Lea has been shady as hell the last few times I have seen her to be frank. I dont like it. I dont like it one little bit."
<GRY> The Phoenixy LeaWeasley laughs slightly from the doorway "Well I should of guessed that it would come back to you one day, I do have to admit I was very surprised when I saw Zeri." Lea states walking into the room "Very surprised indeed, and still as a child too. That was even more unexpected." she continues with a small shrug.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon narrows his eyes watching his sister walking into the room "But why Lea, why, you of all people why even how? did you do it?" he starts "You, you were the good one of the family." Creven adds before standing inbetween Lea and Jem.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon slowly turns round, a snarl in the back of her throat at the sound of Leas voice "What the hell did you do, Lea." she starts as she takes a few slow steps closer to her sister in law. flicking her eyes at Creven as he stood in between her and his sister, Jem tried to push him out of her way "I'd move if I were you, Creven. I dont want to hurt you." she hissed, her focus on Lea.
<GRY> The Phoenixy LeaWeasley smirks taking another step forward slipping a dagger out of her pocket, spinning it slightly on one palm, its hilt glinting slightly in the light. "I did what I had to do at that time to remove a threat to the family Jem, you didn't really protest too much, but then again Dorian has always had a way with your mind." she replies simply.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon blinks watching Lea while trying to keep Jem behind him. "What are you talking about?" he asks bermused and still shocked by the whole situation. Creven eyes the dagger before glancing over to Jem over his shoulder at the mention of Dorian's name.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon digs her nails into Crevens arm "Creven, let me at her!" she shrieks, her eyes glancing to the dagger Lea pulled out"Going to cut me, are we Lea, hmm?" she laughs, shaking her head
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon -- at her, rolling her eyes "Im just going to wait, bide my time, until you shift forms then Im going to enjoy slowly plucking every single feather from you." she snorts "What the hell -has Dorian got to do with it this time?!"
<GRY> The Phoenixy LeaWeasley shakes her head watching Jem "Oh no not at all, this is just something I carry around for protect, so you know, just in case." Lea replies before laughing "Yeah good luck with that one." she adds still smiling "Dorian again, thats a trend with you...they needed the child to keep the balance and something about you both not being ready etc etc." she explains with a shrug--
<GRY> The Phoenixy LeaWeasley -- "I'm not sure if you've realised but you don't say no to Dorian and Elijah...their plan was that you never found out, I have no idea what went wrong, I didn't even know something had until a few days ago."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon pats Jem's hand softly "And you never thou-" Creven starts then stops, his eyes glazing over for a second or two "You did tell me..." he continues turning around to face Jem "And I agreed." he finishes softly taking a small step back "Its all coming back to me."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon tilts her head, throwing Lea a smirk "Oh I will get you for this. Believe me." she whispers, a chuckle passing her lips as she rolleed her eyes "Dorian and Elijah. For some reason, Im not actually surprised to be honest." Jem blinks a few times and turns her attention to Creven, shaking her head and taking a step back "No..no. Not you. Please not you..." Jem slowly sinks to the floor, shaking her head and muttering under her breath.
<GRY> The Phoenixy LeaWeasley nods still playing with the dagger "I'll talk to Dorian...I'm guessing he may not know shes around, I doubt he'd let her out of his sight...if that was his plan." she adds to the conversation looking over to Creven "Good luck Brother."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods slowly watching Lea before turning his attention back to Jem. Softly he kneels down in front of her "I'm sorry, its becoming clearer now. Elijah said she could be a threat of some sort that at that time we wouldn't have been able to control her...and you know I went through that stage of not wanting kids."he starts to explain "I then asked Dorian to make you forget it--
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon -- and do the same to me, Lea being the only one who would be able to remember everything..." Creven sighs watching her.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon glances between them "He will need more than luck." she mutters, moving back as he kneels infront of her "No. You stay away from me. You dont come near me until Ihave at least calmed down." she growls before she stands up, tears streaming down her cheeks as she glares at him a few moments before pushing past him, storming across the room and pushing past Lea, making her way to the kitcchen.
<GRY> The Phoenixy LeaWeasley shrugs and walks over to Creven offering him a hand "Creven I do have a bit of a dark side at times, times I find greater power, and sometimes you have to take the harder option rather than the easier one." she states with a small smile. "I'll go and find Dorian now, and be back by morning."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods fixing his eyes on his sister's "I know, I can't exactly talk, not exactly a role model." he nods listening to her and glances towards the kitchen "I'll stay here, stay with Jem, or give her a bit of room to start with, until you get back with hopefully full answers."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon picks up a glass and throws it at the door with a scream before she slides down the wall covering her face with her hands, her body shaking as she sobbed.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon sighs slightly watching Lea disappear upstairs, she would be going to the Levels to find Dorian. Running a hand through his hair Creven winces slightly listening to Jem but stays in the lounge.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon glances at the door before she opens the fridge, cursing loudly before feeding on a bag she pulled out.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon listens carefully hearing the fridge door, hoping that after eating Jem may be a little calmer.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon throws the packet in the bin and makes her way to the dorr that leads back into the hallway. Resting her hand on the handle, she stops a moment, closing her eyes and searching <Im sorry.> was all she sent in a shaky thought.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon takes a deep breath and walks back into the lounge taking a seat on the sofa, hoping that Lea would come back with all the answers <Its okay> he replies to Jem's thoughts.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon shakes her head, keeping her hand on the handle but not opening the door yet. she still wasnt herself right now and she didnt want to hurt herself, or him <I just cant... get my head round all of this.>
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods to himself still listening putting his feet up on the sofa and leaning back into one of the pillows, hands behind his head. <I know, Lea will have the answers.>
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon opens the door as slowly and silently as she could and, with a sigh, she wrapped her arms round herself and walked barefoot across the hallway to stand at the doorway "Someone better do."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods again before trying to glance over in Jem's direction "We're done with kids though now right?" he asks with a slight smile.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon glances down at her feet "Well you are never about, so I think that will be a yes." she snaps slightly.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon sits up looking over to her "I know, and I'm sorry for that, but right now I don't have a choice." he replies with a stern tone.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon tucks her hair behind her ear, nodding a few times, wincing slightly at the tone of his voice "I know. You dont have a chaoice, you never seem to. I thought you were going to be about more --
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon --with this new job?" she murmurs, making her way into the room to sit at the other end of the sofa.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon shrugs slightly "Well things change, I have to travel a lot at the moment." he replies glancing over to her unsure of what to say.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon just nods a few times, risking a glance up at him, her cheeks wet "You know I love you. I think I understand a little about why ...it had to be done. But it hurt to have it all just-dumped on me like that." she sighs a little, curling her feet underneath her.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods again smiling softly "I'm not sure you were ever supposed to find out, but should see it as a blessing that we know."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon smiles back at him, moving closer slightly "It is, but next time theres news like that, break it to me a little gentler."she tries to laugh.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon laughs and shakes his head "Come on, when have you ever known me to not be straight to the point?"
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon grins, rolling her eyes and laying herself on him, resting her forhead against him "Always to the point, love." she whispered, kissing him.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods and smiles "Its easier..."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon brushes his fronge from his eyes with a nod "Sometimes, just not when I havent fed in a few days."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon laughs slightly "Perhaps," he starts pausing slightly hearing light footsteps on the stairs. "Dorian." he comments looking straight over to the doorway.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon flashes him a grin and follows his gaze to the ceiling with a low growl "Now you may have to hold me back from ripping his head off."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods and shrugs "I think I'd like to see you try..." Creven comments with a wink before looking back at the door as Dorian walks in. "Evening, I believe you have a few questions."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon opens her mouth to make a joke, before she sets her mouth in a straight line as she hears Dorians voice, her eyes narrowing but refusing to look at him "Creven..." she mutters, gripping the back of the sofa, hard.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon glances at Jem before looking over to Dorian "How quick are your reactions again?" he asks with a joking tone before turning serious "What happened all those years ago would be a start." Dorian nods letting his eyes flick from Creven to Jem and back again "Lea told me about the child, your concerns and my father decided to take it upon himself to solve the situation."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon lets a growl rumble in the back of her throat, her eyes fixed on Creven to keep her calm. Well calmer than she would be if she dared to even look at Dorian "Your father, Dorian. He is responsible for a lot of thing, so you say. You went along with him. You all decided it was best to forget our child."she started, her voice surprisingly calm "Did you not think of what would happen when I found out, when we found out? Or did you simply just secretly hope we wouldnt." she takes a deep breath <I dont want to look at him. Im a little scared what I will do to him if I do.> Her past with Dorian hadnt been the best one.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanonglances over to Jem but lets Dorian answer. "Indeed, there was no reason for you to find out, you weren't supposed too...after removing her Kistune side we put the child up for adpotion."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon hisses through her teeth, her face turning a deep red and her eyes turning a duller blue to normal "You did what!"she yells "You took away part of my daughter and gave her to strangers to raise as their own while we were made to forget her!" Jem snaps her head round as she slides off the sofa, calmly walking over to Dorian and wrapping her hands round his throat "What gives you that righr?!"
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon tries to hide a smile watching thinking that a bowl of popcorn would go down very well right now, he knew he should be taking it more seriously, bur just couldn't. Dorian looks down at Jem --
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon -- placing one hand on her wrist. "You seemed very compliant with it all at the time. And in that instance power gave me the right."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon snarls, grabbing at his hand on her wrist "Get your filthy hand off me! Youhave had this coming for a long time. Since Nikia. Remember her? She made you kidnap me." she hisses at him "Always under her thumb, werent you?" Jem snarls, tightening her fingers round his neck "You and that father of yours h ave caused me so much pain, heartbreak and suffering. You deserve to die. Its the least I can do."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon raises his eyebrows watching his wife with Dorian. Even with all the history with Dorian and his father Creven still respected them both, as he himself was Kistune royalty they were extremely - high standing within the vampire comminuty. Dorian himself was centuries old, his father even more, perhaps even to the beginning of time itself. Creven draws his mind back into the present Dorian didn't even look concerned by Jem's attempt at threatening his life, he guessed there was no real danger there anyway. Dorian himself flexes his shoulders backwards and clears his throat slightly, "Always so feisty Jem, anger and passion really do stem from the same place in your heart don't they?" he comments more of a rhetorical question. "I just do what has to be done, and please, your more intelligent to know it would be that easy and without risk."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon narrows her eyes at him as he speaks, not even flinching as he clears his throwat, his words, calm and in his silky sounding voice, hitting her ears. "Yes they do. You should know by now, - when my family is concerened, the lengths I will go to are never ending. I will protect them to the end. Its what a mother, and wife, should do." She retorts, giving his neck on more squeeze, growling as she lowers her hand from him and taking a step back "Im also smart enough not to kill you just yet, knowing your place on the Council."
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon leans his chin on the back of the sofa watching the two "Well, that was less interesting than I was expecting." he replies with a small sigh before frowning again slightly "Why take away her
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon -- Kistune side?" Creven asks, curiosity lacing his voice. Dorian keeps his eyes fixed on Jem watching her move back before turning in Creven's direction "You never change Creven, always up for a good scrum." he replies with a small smile before beginning to answer his question "We had no need for them, if she kept the powers then we would have had to found her a Kitsune family, you know their opinions on mixing races, so it was the safer option. To give her the chance of a normal life." He explains before looking back over to Jem straighting his tie "If shes reappeared in the condition which Lea has described then clearly something went wrong."
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon throws a glance over her shoulder, seemingly surprised that Creven was int he room. It was like she had forgotten. Maybe that was because she was so used to him not being here. With a roll of her shoulders, she returned her attention to Dorian, ready to attack again, her hand curling up into a ball by her sides"No need for them? No need for her to be fully knowing about herself. Less trouble for you, you mean. Make her believe she is fully human then no one wioll be finding out what you did, noone will be coming after you. No punishment for your little actions." Jem snaps, pulling her arm back and punching him square in the face with a satisfied grunt, ignoring the pain of a possible broken hand. "Something went wrong. You arent wrong there. Do you want to know what it was? You took her away from us, you took away half of herself and gave her to strangers! Thats what went wrong!" she all but screamed at him.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon sits up straighter watching Jem and hearing a possibly bone cracking noise, Dorian barely flinching, his head just turned a little to one side. Dorian slowly brings a hand up and touches the point of contact. "Yes it was easier, much simpler, means we could just pass her off and not have to worry." he starts as he takes a step closer to Jem, slightly towering over her with his height, "But of course thats exactly what you want me to say isn't it? Gives you an excuse to get more angry at me, blame me for everything which has happened." he states firmly. Creven stirs slightly from the sofa, standing up and slowly walks across to the pair "And is it the truth?" he asks.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon nods, rather smugly as she watches him "Well I feel much better." she starts, sarcasm dripping from her every word, watching as Dorian touches where she had hit him "That is not what I want you to say at all, and you know it. Stop twisting my words to suit yourself, you heartless man. Why!! Why did you do it, Dorian? Jem takes a few deep breaths andtakes a few steps away from him, bumping into something. Turning round, she jumps, her hand flying to her chest, before she buries her face into her husband, shaking.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon wraps his arms around Jem looking straight over to Dorian, in the blacks of his eyes. Creven already knew the answer to Jem's question. It was a hard answer though, not in difficulty but emotionally, it meant admitting something which he knew could have disastrous effects. Creven studies Dorian's face for any sigh of what he was going to say next, would he keep his friends - secret and his promised silence or break everything apart. Dorian exhales slowly looking from Creven to Jem and gives a quick shake of his head with her back to him. "Because the councilbelieved that she could be a threat, so we acted to remove it, we could of killed her Jem. Be thankful that we didn't go to such extremes." Dorian replies while slowly folding his arms.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon lets out a shaky sigh, as she shakes her head "If she was so much of a threat, you would have had her killed. Theres no question about that." her voice muffled as she keeps her face buried in Creven, unable to see the interraction betweeh him and Dorian "And I didnt think I could hate you anymore than I did." she adds under her breath, wrapping her arms round Creven to keep herself calm, her hand throbbing.
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon refrains from taking a deep breath, sighing or giving any sign of moment of hints of his and Dorian's silent communications."Well, I'd suggest you put some ice on your hand. I have a council meeting I need to attend, I will take my leave of you for this evening." Dorian explains, bowing his head slightly towards Creven before turning and leaving the room. Dorian knew Jem was right, Zeri wasn't enough of a threat to the council to be killed, they just wanted to keep a close eye on her, but it was Creven who saw more than that, Creven who asked Dorian for intervention. Creven looks down and Jem, hugging her tighter "It will be okay." he whispers softly placing a kiss on the top of her head.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon lets out a small laugh "Doesnt hurt and it was worth it." she snorts "Maybe you should get some ice for your face."Jem turns her head to face him, grabbing a look at her handiwork with a smirk "Thats going to be fun to exlain to them, isnt it." Jem laughs, rather darkl as she watches him leave before retuning her head to Crevens chest with a slow sigh, closing her eyes as she feels his kiss on the top of her head "Why does he always rile me so?"
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon shrugs slightly watching her "I don't know, he tends to have the opposite effect on most people..." he explains leading her back over to the sofa "But I trust him, anyway, we have Zeri back now, lets just make the most of it right?"
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon nods a few times, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him lightly, letting him lead her to the sofa and dropping herself on his knee "I dont know what it is, maybe the things he did to me in the past. I dont feel like I can trust him like I did when we first met." she smiles up at him "We have her back." she bites her lip "And we have some time to make up. Is there a way to get her Kitsune side back? "
<RAV> God CrevenCalanon nods listening to her, although disagreeing on the inside. "A lot of time, and no. She's completely human, her DNA has somehow been rewritten and that power isn't something which you can just copy and paste back in." he explains softly.
<SLY> Vampire Queen JemCalanon closes her eyes and lays back against him, pulling the blanket from the back of the sofa over them both "We have a fully human child." she murmurs, getting herself comfy on him, yawning as a final "We will talk about ot mor in the morning. I love you." passes her lips and she drifts off to sleep.
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